datatagsuite / examples

DATS example files
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Invalid JSON-LD syntax; an @context @type value must be an absolute IRI #1

Open samuel-kerrien opened 4 years ago

samuel-kerrien commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

I am playing with DATS and in the process I have tried to use several tools to expand/compact the json-ld representation:

Both are failing with some of the example provided in this repository, for instance this file: The error message they report is: Invalid JSON-LD syntax; an @context @type value must be an absolute IRI.

Now I can see that rdflib appears to be loading that data just fine in your notebook example:

Here is an example of the issue I seem to be facing with dataset_sdo_context.jsonld: both 'storedIn' and 'distribution' appear to have a @type that is not a valid IRI, respectively DataRepository and DatasetDistribution.

To give an example that would work in the json-ld playground, I have modified the file BDbag-AGR-example.json (see below) as follow:

    "@type": "Dataset",
    "@id": "",
    "@context": {
            "sdo": "",
            "Dataset": "sdo:Dataset",
            "identifier": {
              "@id": "sdo:identifier",
              "@type": "sdo:Text"
            "alternateIdentifier": "sdo:alternateName",
            "relatedIdentifier": "sdo:mentions",
            "title": {
              "@id": "sdo:name",
              "@type": "sdo:Text"
            "description": {
              "@id": "sdo:description",
              "@type": "sdo:Text"
            "dates": "sdo:temporalCoverage",
            "spatialCoverage": "sdo:spatialCoverage",
            "storedIn": {
                "@id": "sdo:includedInDataCatalog",
                "@type": "sdo:DataRepository"
            "distributions": {
              "@id": "sdo:distribution",
              "@type": "sdo:DatasetDistribution"
            "primaryPublications": "sdo:citation",
            "citations": "sdo:citation",
            "producedBy": "sdo:producer",
            "creators": {
                "@id": "sdo:creator",
                "@type": "sdo:Thing"
            "licenses": "sdo:license",
            "isAbout": "sdo:about",
            "hasPart": {
                "@id": "sdo:hasPart",
                "@type": "Dataset"
            "acknowledges": "sdo:funder",
            "dimensions": "sdo:variableMeasured"
    "title": "AGR Data set with identifier-based references to data in cloud storage",
    "description": "AGR Data set with identifier-based references to data in cloud storage",
    "dates": [{
        "date": "2018-03-19T17:43:57.073822",
        "type": {
            "value": "creation",
            "valueIRI": ""
    "types": [{"information": {"value": "model organism data"}}],
    "extraProperties": [
            "category": "checksum",
            "categoryIRI": "",
            "values": [{
                "value": "6484968f81afac84857d02b573b0d589fb2f9582a2b920572830dc5781e0a53c",
                "valueIRI": ""
            "category": "checksum algorithm",
            "categoryIRI": "",
            "values": [{
                "value": "MD5",
                "valueIRI": ""

Any chance you could test this json-ld example on the json-ld playground ( and verify that your contexts are valid ?

proccaserra commented 4 years ago

Hi @samuel-kerrien (long time no see!)

Thanks for documenting the issue, I'll investigate further tomorrow but quickly I'll make to following points:

  1. refactoring the @context information:

The correct Schemaorg element to use should be sod:DataCatalog (for DATS.DatasetRepository) and sdo:DataDownload (for DATS.DatasetDistribution)

"storedIn": { "@id": "sdo:includedInDataCatalog", "@type": "sdo:DataCatalog" }, "distributions": { "@id": "sdo:distribution", "@type": "sdo:DataDownload" }

In the DATS example:

The JSON element @type point to the DATS objects hence no sdo prefixing is used.

"distributions": [{ "@type": "DatasetDistribution", "@context": "",

this context matches to sdo:DataDownload

  1. json-ld playground ( implementation behaves differently than rdflib (as you also noticed).

I ran into inconsistencies in a different context with triples returns varying greatly between the 2 libraries.

So more digging is required.


samuel-kerrien commented 4 years ago

Hi @proccaserra (indeed, a long time ;)),

Thanks a lot for your quick input on the issue I am raising, this is very helpful ! Quick comment on your 2 points:

Thanks for pointing out the correct @type for these 2 elements with invalid IRI, I can use that locally until you update your context hosted on GitHub. Do you have an ETA for when this might take ?

Looking further into the validation error of I have found also an issue in the following context dataset_distribution_sdo_context.jsonld Here is the payload:

  "@context": {
    "sdo": "",
    "DatasetDistribution": "sdo:DataDownload",
    "identifier": {
      "@id": "sdo:identifier",
      "@type": "sdo:Text"
    "alternateIdentifiers": "sdo:identifier",
    "relatedIdentifiers": "sdo:identifier",
    "title": {
      "@id": "sdo:name",
      "@type": "sdo:Text"
    "description": {
      "@id": "sdo:description",
      "@type": "sdo:Text"
    "storedIn": {
      "@id": "sdo:includedInDataCatalog",
      "@type": "sdo:DataCatalog"
    "version": "sdo:version",
    "licenses": "sdo:license",
    "access": {
      "@id": "sdo:accessMode",
      "@type": "Access"
    "size": {
        "@id": "sdo:contentSize",
        "@type": "sdo:Text"

Please note the statement: "@type": "Access", it appears Access is not defined in that context, so as a result is not a valid IRI. The json-ld playground chokes on it.

As a demonstration, I have taken this file BDbag-AGR-example.json and inlined all the contexts and removed the has_part (because that's a lot more to inline and I expect the exact same errors will come up across the 6 sub-datasets), I have manually fixed the 3 @type issues I pointed out and the json-ld playground is happy with the syntax: (this will open my eample in json-ld playground).

So all in all, it seems to be there are 2 contexts to fix:

Actually, I took it one step further and inlined both my fixed dataset_sdo_context.jsonld and dataset_distribution_sdo_context.jsonld (I merely replaced Access by sdo:Access to make it a valid IRI, i am actually unsure if that's the vocabulary you intended to use) across all 6 sub-datasets in the has_part and it works in json-ld playground. Unfortunately I cannot share it since tinyurl fails to shorten such a long URL. I probably could remove the inline of all other contexts and that should work. I paste the content instead below.

    "@type": "Dataset",
    "@id": "",
    "@context": {
        "sdo": "",
        "Dataset": "sdo:Dataset",
        "identifier": {
          "@id": "sdo:identifier",
          "@type": "sdo:Text"
        "alternateIdentifier": "sdo:alternateName",
        "relatedIdentifier": "sdo:mentions",
        "title": {
          "@id": "sdo:name",
          "@type": "sdo:Text"
        "description": {
          "@id": "sdo:description",
          "@type": "sdo:Text"
        "dates": "sdo:temporalCoverage",
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            "@id": "sdo:includedInDataCatalog",
            "@type": "sdo:DataCatalog"
        "distributions": {
          "@id": "sdo:distribution",
          "@type": "sdo:DataDownload"
        "primaryPublications": "sdo:citation",
        "citations": "sdo:citation",
        "producedBy": "sdo:producer",
        "creators": {
            "@id": "sdo:creator",
            "@type": "sdo:Thing"
        "licenses": "sdo:license",
        "isAbout": "sdo:about",
        "hasPart": {
            "@id": "sdo:hasPart",
            "@type": "Dataset"
        "acknowledges": "sdo:funder",
        "dimensions": "sdo:variableMeasured"
    "identifier": {
        "@type": "Identifier",
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            "sdo": "",
            "Identifier": "sdo:Thing",
            "identifier": "sdo:identifier",
            "identifierSource": {
               "@id": "sdo:Property",
               "@type": "sdo:Text"
        "identifier": "",
        "identifierSource": "minid"
    "title": "AGR Data set with identifier-based references to data in cloud storage",
    "description": "AGR Data set with identifier-based references to data in cloud storage",
    "dates": [{
        "date": "2018-03-19T17:43:57.073822",
        "type": {
            "value": "creation",
            "valueIRI": ""
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            "name": "University of Southern California / Information Science"
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        "fullName": "Mike d'Arcy",
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proccaserra commented 4 years ago

hi @samuel-kerrien , thx for investigating further. There were indeed problems in our sdo context file. I have pushed the fixes to 'dataset', dataset_distribution and access context file. with these, JS-playground no longer complains however, I am still getting errors with Google structured data testing tool so we are digging further. thx again.

samuel-kerrien commented 4 years ago

Great, I can confirm it works smoother now in the json-ld playground. Thanks for the quick turn around.

I have had a quick look at the Google tool to validate structured data and it looks like all errors are related to contexts. Funnily enough, when I inline the context in the DATS file, the errors do not manifest. I am quite interested in your findings on the matter, would be great if you could post an update when you to crack this one ...

Cheers !