datatheorem / TrustKit-Android

Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for Android.
MIT License
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TrustKit throws IllegalArgumentException #52

Open iskugor opened 5 years ago

iskugor commented 5 years ago


Describe the bug

I'm seeing one crash in Google play console:

  at (
  at (
  at (

To Reproduce

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce it. It happens to just two users. I just enabled certificate pinning for one default server (and user can use their own server for which pining is not enabled). It looks like server url is not valid, but I validate server url with:

before creating http client:

okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient = new okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder();
X509TrustManager[] trustManagers = { TrustKit.getInstance().getTrustManager(backendUrl) };

so I'm confused why TrustKit throws exception.

Expected behavior App would not crash.

Or please, let me know how should I handle this exception?

TrustKit configuration

<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
    <domain includeSubdomains="true">*******.***</domain>
        <pin digest="SHA-256">********************************************</pin>
        <pin digest="SHA-256">********************************************</pin>
    <trustkit-config enforcePinning="true" disableDefaultReportUri="true">

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