datatheorem / TrustKit-Android

Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for Android.
MIT License
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Volley and Truskit blocking other domains #92

Open ben-j69 opened 3 years ago

ben-j69 commented 3 years ago


I have implemented certificate pinning with Trustkit, Volley and the config file network_security_config.xml, which look like :

        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
        <pin-set expiration="2050-12-12">
            <pin digest="SHA-256">AAAAAAAAAAAAA</pin>
            <pin digest="SHA-256">BBBBBBBBBBBBB</pin>
        <trustkit-config enforcePinning="true"/>
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
        <pin-set expiration="2050-12-12">
            <pin digest="SHA-256">CCCCCCCCCCCC</pin>
            <pin digest="SHA-256">DDDDDDDDDDDD</pin>
        <trustkit-config enforcePinning="true"/>

It is working perfectly when I am calling urls like or but when I want to call another domain it is blocking everything. Is there a way to fix the configuration ?
