datatheorem / TrustKit

Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
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IOS17 support Trust Kit Crash (iphone15 physical) #314

Closed LeoAnt02 closed 9 months ago

LeoAnt02 commented 9 months ago

Currently the ssl-pining cause a crash on new iPhones 15 Pro physical devices I tried on simulator iphone 15 and Iphone 15 Pro- ios 17.0.0 - and there is no issues

This is breaking production devices also

Target Device : Iphone 15 Pro (Physical) IOS v17.0.2 Xcode 15

There is no error in console, will have to debug further and edit this post But this is where Xcode crash in screenshot below

Issue seems to come from TrustKit need a little update with version 17.0.2 (iphone15)


Something I've noticed that may cause an issue, is that iphone15 Pro (physical), is read as an Iphone16 in singature binaries, I believe this is a mistake from apple, not sure if this affect TrustKit or SSL pining but worth to mention it

HakanSAYAR commented 9 months ago

I've faced the same issues working with Xcode 15. Any solution? @aj-dt @nabla-c0d3

LeoAnt02 commented 9 months ago

@HakanSAYAR I've successfully solved the issue by Updating spec repo cocoapods on ios for TrustKit 3.0.3 (was using 3.0.2)

pod repo update
pod install

Then trustkit was updated to 3.0.3 and everything works now

Saw this PR and it's solving the crash #309