datatypevoid / vulgar

A simple and scalable MEAN stack development kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Coverage, Dev/Prod), Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, PassportJS,, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, SASS Support, TypeScript, TSLint, NG2Lint, Hot Module Replacement, Docco, Gulp, and Webpack by @datatypevoid
MIT License
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Fixes for IVerifyOptions warnings & socket port declaration #14

Closed b3kN closed 8 years ago

b3kN commented 8 years ago
b3kN commented 8 years ago

Credit to @jimmythesaint82 ( for assistance in find for fix

datatypevoid commented 8 years ago

Looks good guys @b3kN @jimmythesaint82 ! The only thing I am not going to keep is the example config object. The reason being is that if you generate the stack as intended with the CLI, the config object is generated and configured for you. Thanks again for the help!

datatypevoid commented 8 years ago

In the end though, I decided to just leave the example config.json object. ;)