Closed WhyFaust closed 7 years ago
cleanwpn.sp.txt I use this,maybe because of this?
@mrkos9i4ok Yes it looks like that plugin would cause problems with Hosties. Perhaps the reload of Hosties just changed the order of which player_spawn is executed first.
How do I fix this?
I recommend disabling cleanwpn.sp. Why is that plugin needed?
That prisonners didn't run from m4a4,ak-47 and etc in round start
I do not understand. What is your sm_hosties_t_start convar? How are prisoners getting m4a4 and ak-47?
The weapon remains from the previous round, if T has survived
try this instead:
This plugin not correctly work.He spawn knife when I in spec...
@shanapu @data-bomb So how do I make the correct loading of plug-ins?
Mitchells game_player_equip temp fix works on my testserver and on friended servers just fine. What do you mean with "spawn a knife in spec"? And what do you mean with "the correct loading of plug-ins"?
With game_player_equip Without him all nice
And I did this:
if (g_CvarKnives.BoolValue)
if(GetClientTeam(client) == 2)
GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife");
else if(GetClientTeam(client) == 3)
GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife");
GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_m4a1");
GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_hkp2000");
don't have this problem. I assume this happens cause you use !knife !ws or even cause non-steam.
Nope, I checked. Even without them, this happens.
sm_hosties_startweapons_on worked only after reload sm_hosties
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