datavis-tech / graph-data-structure

A graph data structure with topological sort and shortest path algorithms.
MIT License
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[Question]Is there a way to get all shortest path? #44

Closed kilik52 closed 11 months ago

kilik52 commented 3 years ago

Function shortestPath only returns one of the shortest path. Is there a way to get all shortest path? Thanks

curran commented 3 years ago

I'd welcome a PR that introduces a function to get all shortest paths, or a flag on the existing one.

curran commented 3 years ago

An interesting read

krm35 commented 11 months ago

curran commented 11 months ago

Closed in

curran commented 11 months ago

I haven't researched if that implementation is the optimal algorithm for this, but it seems to work and is a great first stab. Thanks for the PR!

krm35 commented 11 months ago

I've tryied to implement Bellman-Ford and Floyd-Warshall but clearly on a big graph, the process takes a while (1 second).

The code is from there

const Graph = require('graph-data-structure');

function buildGraph(graph, cells, diagonal) {
    let id = 0;
    for (let line = 1; line <= 40; line++) {
        for (let column = 1; column <= 14; column++) {
            const pair = (line - 1) % 2 === 0;
            if (cells[id]?.mov) {
                (pair ? [13, 14] : [14, 15]).forEach((value, i) => {
                    if (i && !pair && column === 14) return;
                    if (!i && pair && column === 1) return;
                    if (cells[id + value]?.mov) {
                        graph.addEdge(id, id + value, 1);
                        graph.addEdge(id + value, id, 1);
                if (diagonal) {
                    [1, 28].forEach((value, i) => {
                        if (!i && column === 14) return;
                        if (cells[id + value]?.mov) {
                            graph.addEdge(id, id + value, 1);
                            graph.addEdge(id + value, id, 1);

const graph = Graph();
const cells = Array(560).fill({mov: true});
let start;
buildGraph(graph, cells, true);
start =;
        getAllVertices: () => {
            const nodes = graph.serialize().nodes;
            nodes.forEach(node => node.getKey = () =>;
            return nodes;
        getVertexByKey: (node) => {
            return {id: node, getKey: () => node};
        getNeighbors: (node) => graph.adjacent(,
        findEdge: (u, v) => {
            return {weight: graph.getEdgeWeight(u, v)}
    {getKey: () => 400}
console.log( - start, "ms");
start =;
        getAllVertices: () => {
            const nodes = graph.serialize().nodes;
            nodes.forEach(node => node.getKey = () =>;
            return nodes; // [{ source: '17', target: 31, weight: 1 },]
        getVertexByKey: (node) => {
            return {id: node, getKey: () => node};
        getNeighbors: (node) => graph.adjacent(,
        findEdge: (u, v) => {
            return {weight: graph.getEdgeWeight(u, v)}
    {getKey: () => 400}

console.log( - start, "ms");

function floydWarshall(graph) {
    // Get all graph vertices.
    const vertices = graph.getAllVertices();

    // Init previous vertices matrix with nulls meaning that there are no
    // previous vertices exist that will give us shortest path.
    const nextVertices = Array(vertices.length).fill(null).map(() => {
        return Array(vertices.length).fill(null);

    // Init distances matrix with Infinities meaning there are no paths
    // between vertices exist so far.
    const distances = Array(vertices.length).fill(null).map(() => {
        return Array(vertices.length).fill(Infinity);

    // Init distance matrix with the distance we already now (from existing edges).
    // And also init previous vertices from the edges.
    vertices.forEach((startVertex, startIndex) => {
        vertices.forEach((endVertex, endIndex) => {
            if (startVertex === endVertex) {
                // Distance to the vertex itself is 0.
                distances[startIndex][endIndex] = 0;
            } else {
                // Find edge between the start and end vertices.
                const edge = graph.findEdge(startVertex, endVertex);

                if (edge) {
                    // There is an edge from vertex with startIndex to vertex with endIndex.
                    // Save distance and previous vertex.
                    distances[startIndex][endIndex] = edge.weight;
                    nextVertices[startIndex][endIndex] = startVertex;
                } else {
                    distances[startIndex][endIndex] = Infinity;

    // Now let's go to the core of the algorithm.
    // Let's all pair of vertices (from start to end ones) and try to check if there
    // is a shorter path exists between them via middle vertex. Middle vertex may also
    // be one of the graph vertices. As you may see now we're going to have three
    // loops over all graph vertices: for start, end and middle vertices.
    vertices.forEach((middleVertex, middleIndex) => {
        // Path starts from startVertex with startIndex.
        vertices.forEach((startVertex, startIndex) => {
            // Path ends to endVertex with endIndex.
            vertices.forEach((endVertex, endIndex) => {
                // Compare existing distance from startVertex to endVertex, with distance
                // from startVertex to endVertex but via middleVertex.
                // Save the shortest distance and previous vertex that allows
                // us to have this shortest distance.
                const distViaMiddle = distances[startIndex][middleIndex] + distances[middleIndex][endIndex];

                if (distances[startIndex][endIndex] > distViaMiddle) {
                    // We've found a shortest pass via middle vertex.
                    distances[startIndex][endIndex] = distViaMiddle;
                    nextVertices[startIndex][endIndex] = middleVertex;

    // Shortest distance from x to y: distance[x][y].
    // Next vertex after x one in path from x to y: nextVertices[x][y].
    return {distances, nextVertices};

function bellmanFord(graph, startVertex) {
    const distances = {};
    const previousVertices = {};

    // Init all distances with infinity assuming that currently we can't reach
    // any of the vertices except start one.
    distances[startVertex.getKey()] = 0;
    graph.getAllVertices().forEach((vertex) => {
        previousVertices[vertex.getKey()] = null;
        if (vertex.getKey() != startVertex.getKey()) {
            distances[vertex.getKey()] = Infinity;

    // We need (|V| - 1) iterations.
    for (let iteration = 0; iteration < (graph.getAllVertices().length - 1); iteration += 1) {
        // During each iteration go through all vertices.
        Object.keys(distances).forEach((vertexKey) => {
            const vertex = graph.getVertexByKey(vertexKey);

            // Go through all vertex edges.
            graph.getNeighbors(vertex).forEach((n) => {
                const edge = graph.findEdge(vertex, n);
                const neighbor = {getKey: () => n};
                // Find out if the distance to the neighbor is shorter in this iteration
                // then in previous one.
                const distanceToVertex = distances[vertex.getKey()];
                const distanceToNeighbor = distanceToVertex + edge.weight;
                if (distanceToNeighbor < distances[neighbor.getKey()]) {
                    distances[neighbor.getKey()] = distanceToNeighbor;
                    previousVertices[neighbor.getKey()] = vertex;

    return {
curran commented 11 months ago

Oh nice! Thank you for sharing the reference.