datawhalechina / self-llm

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TypeError: transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin.generate() argument after ** must be a mapping, not Tensor #178

Open LSK-1 opened 2 weeks ago

hongmin118 commented 1 week ago

我也是这个错(GLM-4-9B-chat FastApi) Snipaste_2024-06-21_17-00-34

KMnO4-zx commented 1 week ago


freecow commented 1 week ago

也是报同样的错,环境是直接采用github推荐的AutoDL镜像self-llm/GLM-4,fastapi调用格式: curl -X POST "" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"prompt": "你好", "history": []}'

hkxxxxx commented 1 week ago

+1同样的错误,GLM-4-9B-Chat Fastapi: image

AXYZdong commented 1 week ago

可能是由于 transformers 版本低的问题,升级一下 transformers 可以解决。

pip install transformers-4.41.2
AXYZdong commented 1 week ago

max_new_tokens (=256)


AXYZdong commented 1 week ago

可能是由于 transformers 版本低的问题,升级一下 transformers 可以解决。

pip install transformers-4.41.2

在我的环境中transformers就是4.41.2这个版本,直接使用的autodl上的社区镜像,但是依然报错 Message: 'Both max_new_tokens (=256) and max_length(=272) seem to have been set. max_new_tokens will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (' Arguments: (<class 'UserWarning'>,) 且没有生成完整的回答: image

对于 fastapi 应该不会报错了。

AXYZdong commented 1 week ago

max_new_tokens (=256)




hkxxxxx commented 1 week ago

可能是由于 transformers 版本低的问题,升级一下 transformers 可以解决。

pip install transformers-4.41.2

在我的环境中transformers就是4.41.2这个版本,直接使用的autodl上的社区镜像,但是依然报错 Message: 'Both max_new_tokens (=256) and max_length(=272) seem to have been set. max_new_tokens will take precedence. Please refer to the documentation for more information. (' Arguments: (<class 'UserWarning'>,) 且没有生成完整的回答: image

对于 fastapi 应该不会报错了。


hongmin118 commented 1 week ago

pip install transformers==4.41.2,OK,感谢大佬