datawhores / OF-Scraper

A completely revamped and redesigned fork, reimagined from scratch based on the original onlyfans-scraper
MIT License
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auth fix #402

Open datawhores opened 3 weeks ago

datawhores commented 3 weeks ago

Generic Instructions These are little out of date, and are meant for older versions of the script

Instead of using 'growik' use one of the valid urls listed below

If your on 3.10.7 or using the latest commits use this pattern instead of option 1

List of valid urls

Please state your issue here other auth issue reports will be closed

bogdanbdg commented 2 weeks ago

i dont know what or where i'm supposed to put this custom values information

I placed it in the "advanced_options" block. As this is JSON, which has to be parsed into some native hash table then I presume it doesn't matter where exactly inside that block you put it. For example:

    "advanced_options": {
        "code-execution": false,
        "dynamic-mode-default": "deviint",
        "backend": "aio",
        "downloadbars": false,
        "cache-mode": "sqlite",
        "appendlog": true,
        "custom_values": {
            "DEVIINT": ""
        "sanitize_text": false,
        "temp_dir": null,
        "remove_hash_match": false,
        "infinite_loop_action_mode": false,
        "post_download_script": null,
        "disable_auto_after": false,
        "default_user_list": "main",
        "default_black_list": ""


Rustybrickc commented 2 weeks ago

[bogdanbdg], thank you. Works for me too.

alfratrople commented 2 weeks ago

I placed it in the "advanced_options" block. As this is JSON, which has to be parsed into some native hash table then I presume it doesn't matter where exactly inside that block you put it.


works for me now too, thank you.

CannotTouch commented 2 weeks ago

with the latest 3.10b commit and the config:

"advanced_options": {
        "code-execution": false,
        "dynamic-mode-default": "deviint",
        "backend": "aio",
        "downloadbars": true,
        "cache-mode": "sqlite",
        "appendlog": true,
        "custom_values": {
            "DEVIINT": ""
        "sanitize_text": false,

the error is:

Process SpawnProcess-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "multiprocess\", line 314, in _bootstrap
  File "multiprocess\", line 108, in run
  File "ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 128, in inner
  File "ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 28, in logger_other
    log = init_other_logger(name)
  File "ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 178, in init_other_logger
    if settings.get_log_level() != "OFF":
  File "ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 124, in __init__
    self.sess = sessionManager.sessionManager(
  File "ofscraper\classes\sessionmanager\", line 235, in __init__
  File "ofscraper\utils\auth\", line 37, in read_request_auth
    if not result:
  File "ofscraper\utils\auth\", line 62, in get_request_auth

  File "ofscraper\utils\auth\", line 106, in get_request_auth_deviint
  File "httpx\", line 764, in json
  File "json\", line 346, in loads
  File "json\", line 337, in decode
  File "json\", line 355, in raw_decode
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 7 column 1 (char 6)
 [checkers.check_auth:21]  Auth Failed                                                          
For an example of how your auth file should look see
If you still can't authenticate after editing from script consider manually edit the file at

Note: Browser Extractions only works with default browser profile

Hint: Select 'Enter Each Field Manually' to edit your current config
? Auth Menu: Select how to retrive auth information Quit
 starting script

 [paths.temp_cleanup:42]  Cleaning up temp files                                                   

 [close.sendCloseMessage:41]  Finished Script                                                      
╭───────────────────────────────────────────────── Activity Progress ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮


but all works correctly with this commit if I use this:

"custom_values": {
            "DEVIINT": ""

thanks for support

lemelomane commented 2 weeks ago

With the version 3.10.6 It used to work last week after I upgraded to 3.10.6. Today for some reason i am blocked at the auth. I tried with manual technique and cookie helper. I did not find the newest version of OFSCRAPER. The latest vers available is 3.10.6

There is my config :

"advanced_options": { "code-execution": false, "dynamic-mode-default": "growik", "backend": "aio", "downloadbars": false, "cache-mode": "sqlite", "appendlog": true, "custom_values": { "DEVIINT": "" }, "sanitize_text": false, "temp_dir": null, "remove_hash_match": null, "infinite_loop_action_mode": false, "post_download_script": null, "disable_auto_after": false, "default_user_list": "main", "default_black_list": ""

there is the error

starting script

[close.sendCloseMessage:41] Finished Script Queue <multiprocessing.queues.Queue object at 0x00000206BAB68B10> is closed Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Brice13\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 37, in logger_process messages = funct(timeout=constants.getattr("LOGGER_TIMEOUT")) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ckages\ofscraper\utils\auth\", line 35, in re File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\multiprocessing\", line 100, in get raise ValueError(f"Queue {self!r} is closed")ced=forced) ValueError: Queue <multiprocessing.queues.Queue object at 0x00000206BAB68B10> is closed

Queue <multiprocessing.queues.Queue object at 0x00000206BAB68B10> is closed Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Brice13\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 37, in logger_processrs\Brice13\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\ofscraper\utils\auth\", line 143, in g messages = funct(timeout=constants.getattr("LOGGER_TIMEOUT")) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\multiprocessing\", line 100, in get raise ValueError(f"Queue {self!r} is closed")ython311\site-packages\", line 764, in json ValueError: Queue <multiprocessing.queues.Queue object at 0x00000206BAB68B10> is closed

Queue <multiprocessing.queues.Queue object at 0x00000206BAB68B10> is closed Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Brice13\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\ofscraper\utils\logs\", line 37, in logger_processgram Files\Python311\Lib\json\", line 340, in decode messages = funct(timeout=constants.getattr("LOGGERTIMEOUT")) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\multiprocessing\", line 100, in get raise ValueError(f"Queue {self!r} is closed")

CannotTouch commented 2 weeks ago

"dynamic-mode-default": "growik",

growik don't works anymore, you need change it in deviint

lemelomane commented 2 weeks ago

"dynamic-mode-default": "growik",

growik don't works anymore, you need change it in deviint

Its worked. I changed changed in deviint as you told and its worked. Thanks you.

kb1ibt commented 1 week ago

looks like deviint got pulled cause it is showing 404 now

Sicofra commented 1 week ago

3.10.6 on deviint with or without the custom value just after 2nd or 3rd entering of auth details from cookie helper progresses to blue "Activity progress" as it actually managed to log in but at that same point it dies. Ive tried it to install fresh and fresh config


datawhores commented 1 week ago

The current rules might be outdated try XAGLER_URL="" RAFA_URL=""


avekifes commented 1 week ago

Can someone give me an idea of what I'm supposed to be updating this time? All of those URLs need to be formatted into the section below?

"advanced_options": {
    "code-execution": false,
    "dynamic-mode-default": "deviint",
    "backend": "aio",
    "downloadbars": false,
    "cache-mode": "sqlite",
    "appendlog": true,
    "custom_values": {
        "DEVIINT": ""
    "sanitize_text": false,
    "temp_dir": null,
    "remove_hash_match": false,
    "infinite_loop_action_mode": false,
    "post_download_script": null,
    "disable_auto_after": false,
    "default_user_list": "active",
    "default_black_list": ""
kb1ibt commented 1 week ago

The current rules might be outdated try XAGLER_URL="" RAFA_URL=""


Only the Datawhores and rafa-9 work, the other 2 are missing some values, like the prefix

kb1ibt commented 1 week ago

Can someone give me an idea of what I'm supposed to be updating this time? All of those URLs need to be formatted into the section below?

"advanced_options": {
    "code-execution": false,
    "dynamic-mode-default": "deviint",
    "backend": "aio",
    "downloadbars": false,
    "cache-mode": "sqlite",
    "appendlog": true,
    "custom_values": {
        "DEVIINT": ""
    "sanitize_text": false,
    "temp_dir": null,
    "remove_hash_match": false,
    "infinite_loop_action_mode": false,
    "post_download_script": null,
    "disable_auto_after": false,
    "default_user_list": "active",
    "default_black_list": ""

replace the URL in the custom_values -> DEVIINT with the contents of the RAFA_URL string

bogdanbdg commented 1 week ago

replace the URL in the custom_values -> DEVIINT with the contents of the RAFA_URL string

Like this:

"custom_values": {
        "DEVIINT": ""


Because if "yes" then this doesn't work and logs me out of OF, printing my auth.json to console on the way

lordoffools commented 1 week ago

So, wait, what's the latest here? Is the issue still outstanding, and/or what's the fix?


lordoffools commented 1 week ago

For posterity, running v3.10.11 and using rafa_url works for me now.

bogdanbdg commented 1 week ago

For posterity, running v3.10.11 and using rafa_url works for me now.

Could you post therafa_url related part of your settings?

lordoffools commented 6 days ago

For posterity, running v3.10.11 and using rafa_url works for me now.

Could you post therafa_url related part of your settings?

It's the one from above.

h3re4 commented 4 days ago

For posterity, running v3.10.11 and using rafa_url works for me now.

Could you post therafa_url related part of your settings?

It's the one from above.

It's still broken even with the rafa-9 URL. Don't really know what is up.

Edit: It finally worked after turning back 2FA on and editing the auth values on the terminal instead of updating the auth.json file externally.

Config: "advanced_options": { "code-execution": false, "dynamic-mode-default": "rafa", "backend": "aio", "downloadbars": false, "cache-mode": "sqlite", "appendlog": true, "custom_values": { "RAFA_URL": "" }, "sanitize_text": false, "temp_dir": null, "remove_hash_match": null, "infinite_loop_action_mode": false, "post_download_script": null, "enable_auto_after": false, "default_user_list": "main", "default_black_list": "" },