datawhores / OF-Scraper

A completely revamped and redesigned fork, reimagined from scratch based on the original onlyfans-scraper
MIT License
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Auth Loop When Trying to Download #426

Closed JSylvia007 closed 2 months ago

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Running both the latest release and the latest DEV version, I get in an auth loop, which invalidates my logins session, even on the web.

To Reproduce

Login using FF, use Cookie Helper to grab info, paste into OF-Scraper, try to download, see this message repeated multople times. Refresh the FF page, logged out.


This info is only printed to console

 Dynamic Rule: deviint

Double check to make sure the [x-bc,user-agent] info is correct

Double check to make sure the [sess, auth_id] info is correct

If 2fa is enabled double check that [auth_uid_] is set and not the same as auth_id

Double check to make sure dynamic rule is as desired

Expected behavior

I should be able to download.


Logs are required for any reports of any issue, unless the issue is related to setup of script Logs must be at least debug level

Hint: Please make sure that the log formatting is readable, use a paste site like Private Bin


Using a standard config that's been working. Haven't changed defaults.

System Info

datawhores commented 3 months ago

Can you try the latest commit on the 3.10b branch I made some changes

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

Can you try the latest commit on the 3.10b branch I made some changes

Sure - What's the command to install from that branch?

I tried this pip install git+ and that didn't work.

CucciPro commented 3 months ago

pip install git+ is what you want

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

pip install git+ is what you want

This worked, and it seems to be connecting, but man is it ungodly slow.

datawhores commented 3 months ago

I added a sleep line to test something it has been removed should be faster now

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

I added a sleep line to test something it has been removed should be faster now

I ran the same checkout line, but I don't think it made a difference. Still running really slowly.

datawhores commented 3 months ago

Try --no-cache maybe

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

Try --no-cache maybe

Negative unfortunately. And upon further inspection, while it LOOKS like it's doing something and looping through what I want it to download, it's not actually downloading anything.

datawhores commented 3 months ago

No I meant add --no-cache to the pip command

datawhores commented 3 months ago

Also try ofscraper -h

and ofscraper --media-id

And ofscraper --post-id And provide the output of thoae

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

Tried the new pip command... doesn't seem to make a difference. Still VERY slow.

Here is the output of those commands:

Note, running either --media-id or --post-id resulted in a crash / stacktrace. Do you still want that output?

(ofscraper) root@plex01:/opt/ofscraper# ofscraper -v
OF-Scraper, version 3.10.7
(ofscraper) root@plex01:/opt/ofscraper# ofscraper -h
Usage: OF-Scraper [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  OF-Scraper Options

Program Options:
  Control the application's behavior with these settings
  -v, --version                   Show the version and exit.
  -cg, --config TEXT              Change location of config folder/file
  -r, --profile TEXT              Change which profile you want to use If not
                                  set then the config file is used Profiles are
                                  always within the config file parent directory

Logging Options:
  Settings for logging
                                  Set log file level
                                  Set discord log level
                                  Set console output log level
  -nl, --no-live-screen, --no-live, --no-rich
                                  Turn off rich live display features

Download Options:
  Options for downloads and download performance
  -ar, --no-auto-resume           Cleanup temp .part files (removes resume
  -db, --downloadbars             Show individual download progress bars
  -sd, --downloadsem, --downloadsems, --sems, --sem INTEGER
                                  Number of concurrent downloads per thread
  -dp, --downloadthreads, --threads, --thread, --downloadthreaddownloadthreads INTEGER
                                  Number of threads to use (minimum 1)

Media Filters Options:
  Options for controlling which media is downloaded
  -q, --quality [240|720|source]
  -mt, --mediatype MEDIATYPE_HELPER
                                  Filter by media type (Videos, Audios, Images)
  -sx, --size-max PARSE_SIZE      Filter out files larger than the given size
                                  (bytes or human-readable, e.g., 10mb)
  -sm, --size-min PARSE_SIZE      Filter out files smaller than the given size
                                  (bytes or human-readable, e.g., 10mb)
  -to, --protected-only           Restricts downloads to content that requires
  -no, --normal-only              Restricts downloads to content that does not
                                  require decryption.

Filename Modification Options:
  Options for controlling the output of the final filename after placeholders are replaced
  -g, --original                  Don't truncate long paths
  -tt, --text-type [word|letter]  set length based on word or letter
  -sr, --space-replacer TEXT      character to replace spaces with
  -tl, --textlength INTEGER       max length of text

Content Options:
          Define what posts to target (areas, filters) and actions to perform (like, unlike, download)
          Filter by type, date, label, size, and media type
  -o, --posts, --post POST_TYPE_HELPER
                                  Select areas for batch actions (comma or space
                                  separated). Options: HighLights, Archived,
                                  Messages, Timeline, Pinned, Stories,
                                  Purchased, Profile, Labels, All
  -da, --download-area DOWNLOAD_HELPER
                                  Perform download in specified areas (comma or
                                  space separated). Options: HighLights,
                                  Archived, Messages, Timeline, Pinned, Stories,
                                  Purchased, Profile, Labels, All Has preference
                                  over --posts for download action
  -la, --like-area LIKE_HELPER    Perform like/unlike in selected areas (comma
                                  or space separated). Options: Archived,
                                  Timeline, Pinned, Labels, All Has preference
                                  over --posts for like action
  -ft, --filter TEXT              Filter posts by regex (case-sensitive if
                                  uppercase characters included)
  -nf, --neg-filter TEXT          Filter posts to exclude those matching regex
                                  (case-sensitive if uppercase characters
  -sp, --scrape-paid              Scrape entire paid page (can take a very long
  -xc, --max-count INTEGER        Maximum number of posts to download (oldest
                                  non-duped first)
  -it, --item-sort [random|text-asc|text-desc|date-asc|date-desc|filename-asc|filename-desc]
                                  Changes media processing order before action
                                  (default: date asc or random)
  -e, --force-all, --dupe, --dupe-all
                                  Download all files regardless of database
  -eq, --force-model-unique, --dupe-model-unique, --dupe-model, --force_model_unique
                                  Only download files with media ids not present
                                  for the current model in the database
  -fl, --force-like, --force-like-toggle, --no-cache-like
                                  force toggling of posts to like or unlike
                                  status regardless of cache
  -lb, --label LABEL_HELPER       Filter by label (use helpers.label_helper to
  -be, --before ARROW_HELPER      Process posts at or before the given date
                                  (MM/DD/YYYY) for likes, unlikes, and downloads
  -af, --after ARROW_HELPER       Process posts at or after the given date
                                  (MM/DD/YYYY) for likes, unlikes, and downloads
  -mm, --mass-only / -ms, --mass-skip
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling mass content or promos
                                  [select one --mass-only or --mass-skip]
  -ok, --only-timed / -sk, --skip-timed
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling promotional or temporary posts
                                  [select one --only-timed or --skip-timed]

Automation Options:
  Control automated actions (like/unlike/download) and background execution
  -d, --daemon FLOAT              Run script in the background. Set value to
                                  minimum minutes between script runs. Overdue
                                  runs will run as soon as previous run finishes
  -a, --action ACTION_HELPER      Select batch action(s) to perform
                                  [like,unlike,download]. Accepts space or
                                  comma-separated list. Like and unlike cannot
                                  be combined.

User Selection Options:
  Specify users for scraping  with usernames, userlists, or blacklists
  -u, --usernames, --username USERNAME_HELPER
                                  Select which username to process (name,name2).
                                  Set to ALL for all users
  -eu, --excluded-username USERNAME_HELPER
                                  Select which usernames to exclude
                                  (name,name2). Has preference over --username
  -ul, --user-list, --userlist, --userlists, --user-lists TEXT
                                  Filter by userlist. Note: the lists
                                  'ofscraper.main', 'ofscraper.expired', and
                                  '' are reserved and should not
                                  be the name of any list you have on OF
  -bl, --black-lists, --blacklist, --blacklists, --black-list TEXT
                                  Remove all users from selected list. Note: the
                                  lists 'ofscraper.main', 'ofscraper.expired',
                                  and '' are reserved and should
                                  not be the name of any list you have on OF

User List Filter Options:
  Filter users with options like price (current/renewal/regular/promo), free
  trial, promo availability, alongside userlist filters (include/exclude)
  -cp, --current-price [paid|free]
                                  Filter accounts based on either the
                                  subscription price, lowest claimable
                                  promotional price, or regular price
  -rp, --renewal-price [paid|free]
                                  Filter accounts based on either the lowest
                                  claimable promotional price, or regular price
  -gp, --regular-price [paid|free]
                                  Filter accounts based on the regular price
  -pp, --promo-price [paid|free]  Filter accounts based on either the lowest
                                  promotional price regardless of claimability,
                                  or regular price
  -lo, --last-seen-only / -ls, --last-seen-skip
                                  Flag for filtering accounts based on last seen being visible
                                  [select one --last-seen-only or --last-seen-skip]
  -fo, --free-trial-only / -fs, --free-trial-skip
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling accounts with free trial
                                  [must be normally paid]
                                  [select one --free-trial-only or --free-trial-skip]
  -po, --promo-only / -ps, --promo-skip
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling accounts with a claimable promo price
                                  [select one --promo-only or --promo-skip]
  -ao, --all-promo-only / --all-promo-skip
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling  accounts with any promo price
                                  [select one all-promo-only or --all-promo-skip]
  -ts, --active-subscription / -es, --expired-subscription
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling  accounts with active or expired subscription
                                  [select one --active-subscription or --expired-subscription]
  -ro, --renew-on / -rf, --renew-off
                                  Flag for enabling/disabling accounts set to renew renew flag on
                                  [select one --renew-on or --renew-off]

Advanced User List Filter Options:
  Precise user filtering with price ranges (current/renewal/regular/promo), last
  seen dates, expiration dates, and subscription dates
  -ppn, --promo-price-min INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the lowest promo price
                                  matches or falls above the provided value
  -ppm, --promo-price-max INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the lowest promo price
                                  matches or falls below the provided value
  -gpn, --regular-price-min INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the regular price
                                  matches or falls above the provided value
  -gpm, --regular-price-max INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the regular price
                                  matches or falls below the provided value
  -cpn, --current-price-min INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the current regular
                                  price matches or falls above the provided
  -cpm, --current-price-max INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the current price
                                  matches or falls below the provided value
  -rpn, --renewal-price-min INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the renewal regular
                                  price matches or falls above the provided
  -rpm, --renewal-price-max INTEGER
                                  Filter accounts where the renewal price
                                  matches or falls below the provided value
  -lsb, --last-seen-before TEXT   Filter accounts by last seen being at or
                                  before the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  -lsa, --last-seen-after TEXT    Filter accounts by last seen being at or after
                                  the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  -ea, --expired-after TEXT       Filter accounts by expiration/renewal being at
                                  or after the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  -eb, --expired-before TEXT      Filter accounts by expiration/renewal being at
                                  or before the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  -sa, --subscribed-after TEXT    Filter accounts by subscription date being
                                  after the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  -sb, --subscribed-before TEXT   Filter accounts by sub date being at or before
                                  the given date (YYYY-MM-DD format)

Model Sort & Processing Order Options:
  Define the order in which models are displayed and processed for actions like
  liking posts, downloading content, or data gathering
  -st, --sort [name|subscribed|expired|current-price|renewal-price|regular-price|promo-price|last-seen]
                                  What to sort the model list by
  -ds, --desc                     Sort the model list in descending order

Advanced Search & Processing Options:
  Choose how usernames are searched, and define the order in which users are
  processed for actions
  -uf, --users-first, --user-first
                                  Process all users first rather than one at a
                                  time (affects --action)
  -fi, --individual               Search each username as a separate request
                                  when --username is provided
  -fl, --list                     Search entire enabled lists before filtering
                                  for usernames when --username is provided

Advanced Program Options:
  Advanced control of program behavior
  -nc, --no-cache                 Disable cache and forces consecutive api scan
  -nca, --no-api-cache            Forces consecutive api scan
  -k, --key-mode [cdrm|cdrm2|manual|keydb]
                                  Key mode override
  -dr, --dynamic-rules, --dynamic-rule [deviint|digitalcriminals|manual|generic|datawhores|riley|xagler|rafa]
                                  Dynamic signing
  -up, --update-profile           Get up-to-date profile info instead of using
  -ds, --download-script TEXT     runs a script post model download
                                  addional args sent to script username, model_id, media json ,and post json

Other options:
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  manual       Manually download media by providing a list of urls or IDs
  metadata     Modify metadata or db files
  msg_check    Produces a media table from posts with filterable entries and quick downloads
  paid_check   Produces a media table from purchases with filterable entries and quick downloads
  post_check   Produces a media table from posts with filterable entries and quick downloads
  story_check  Produces a media table from stories and highlights with filterable entries and quick downloads
datawhores commented 3 months ago

Yeah actual show me the stack trace And Do ofscraper -v

datawhores commented 3 months ago

It doesn't really matter though You don't have the latest arguments added yesterday anyways --media-id should be in media content And --post-id

Maybe try uninstall and reinstall

datawhores commented 3 months ago

Do ofscraper -v before uninstalling and see if it changes on reinstall

JSylvia007 commented 3 months ago

Uninstall / Reinstall worked! Freaking Python...

Downloads are working and are fast as expected.

maxcom99 commented 3 months ago

3.10b is awesome btw, finally resolved my UI issues. thank you!!!