datawire / ambassador-operator

The Ambassador operator
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Ambassador operator seems to overwrite changes made to running configurations #53

Closed iNoahNothing closed 4 years ago

iNoahNothing commented 4 years ago

Ambassador yaml installed via the operator seems to refuse to be changed with kubectl edit.


  1. Run the latest minikube: minikube start

  2. Install ambassador via operator: minikube addons enable ambassador

  3. Try to change the ambassador image with kubectl edit deploy ambassador -n ambassador

  4. See that nothing ends up changing because the changes you make with kubectl edit get overwritten

inercia commented 4 years ago

This is the expected behavior: users cannot edit the ambassacdor Deployment: it will be overwritten by the Operator. Any change should be done in the AmbassadorInstallation. The Operator is notified when a resource has changed, so if users modify the deployment, the Operator will immediately wake up and overwrite it.