datawire / forge

Define and run multi-container apps in Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Support Helm charts #15

Open richarddli opened 7 years ago

richarddli commented 7 years ago

Forge can output Helm charts, and not just the deployment manifests

mumoshu commented 6 years ago

FWIW, I'm experimenting on an another way of integrating forge with Helm charts - something like this:

  if [ -d k8s/ ]; then
    echo removing directory k8s/...
    rm -rf k8s/
  mkdir k8s/
  echo rendering k8s/manifests-from-helm-template.yaml...
  helm-secrets template \
    --name '{{}}' \
    --set 'image.repository=\{\{build.images[\"Dockerfile\"]\
\"].split(\":\")[1]\}\}' . \
    -f values.yaml \
    -f secrets.yaml \
    > k8s/manifests-from-helm-template.yaml
  forge build manifest
  kubectl apply -f  .forge/k8s/$service_name/manifests-from-helm-template.yaml --prune ...

Basically, it works like:

augustgerro commented 4 years ago

I am new with helm, I want to understand what situations integration of helm and forge and CI can be useful. @mumoshu does this really work well for you? Isn't this overengineering?