datawire / forge

Define and run multi-container apps in Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Windows release ? #170

Open draeron opened 6 years ago

draeron commented 6 years ago

Are there any plan to release a version of forge for windows?

I tried fiddling the script to make is work on git-bash (msys)

I got a successful runnable build by modifying the pex command line by removing the no-cache and no-pypi so that platform specific packages get downloaded.

pex -f $WHL_DIR --python-shebang=c:\\python27\\python.exe -r requirements.txt Forge -e forge.cli:call_main -o dist/forge --platform win32

but then I get The filename or extension is too long when pex is trying to initialized. Having no experience with pex (or even python in general), that's the moment i decided to call it quit and ask here.

rhs commented 6 years ago

In the long term we'd like that, and we've tried to make choices that in principle should make that straightforward, but we have no plans ourselves. If this is something you're interested in working on, I'd suggest hopping onto gitter. I'd be happy to help you in any way I can.