datawookie / emayili

An R package for sending email messages.
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[FEAT]: Dependencies #126

Closed bkmgit closed 2 years ago

bkmgit commented 2 years ago


Would be helpful to indicate versions dependencies and versions tested on. On CRAN you have :

Imports: base64enc, commonmark, curl (≥ 4.0), digest, dplyr, glue, htmltools, httr, logger, magrittr, mime, purrr, rmarkdown, rvest, stringi, stringr, tidyr, urltools, xfun, xml2
Suggests: cld2, cld3, gpg, here, jinjar, memoise, testthat (≥ 2.1.0), roxygen2, showtext, Microsoft365R

Imports: base64enc, commonmark, curl (≥ 4.0), digest, dplyr, glue, htmltools, httr, logger, magrittr, mime, purrr, rmarkdown, rvest, stringi, stringr, tidyr, urltools, xfun, xml2 Suggests: cld2, cld3, gpg, here, jinjar, memoise, testthat (≥ 2.1.0), roxygen2, showtext, Microsoft365R

In particular magritrr seems to need a fairly recent version

datawookie commented 2 years ago

@bkmgit I think that this is a brilliant idea. I'm very much in favour of explicit versioning of dependencies. Would you like to kick off the process (perhaps starting with {magrittr}) and then submit a PR? Thanks, Andrew.

bkmgit commented 2 years ago

Ok, suggests to do this with care. With magrittr version 1.5 one gets the error message Error : 'pipe_nested' is not an exported object from 'namespace:magrittr' when trying to install emayili 0.7.5, with 2.0.1 this error does not occur.