datawookie / feedeR

Handle RSS and Atom feeds from R
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Unable to feed.extract feed #4

Closed erpreciso closed 7 years ago

erpreciso commented 7 years ago

Get an error with this /. (slashdot) feed

> library(feedeR)
> feed.extract("")
Error in UseMethod("xmlAttrs", node) : 
  no applicable method for 'xmlAttrs' applied to an object of class "NULL"

R version:

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) -- "Wooden Christmas-Tree"
Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

Trying to debug, I copied and pasted your package code in a R script, and it works properly by issuing the same command.

datawookie commented 7 years ago


Just tried

> feed.extract("")$items[, "title", drop = FALSE]
1  A New Attack Allows Intercepting Or Blocking Of Every LTE Phone Call And Text
2                     Fedora 25 Beta Linux Distro Now Available For Raspberry Pi
3                          US Police Consider Flying Drones Armed With Stun Guns
4            More NFL Players Attack Microsoft's $400M Surface Deal With The NFL
5                                  Who Should We Blame For Friday's DDOS Attack?
6   Photographer Glimpses Larry Page's Flying Car Hovering In California (Maybe)
7           'Picat' Programming Language Creators Surprised With A $10,000 Prize
8               Researchers Predict Next-Gen Batteries Will Last 10 Times Longer
9           AT&T Buys Time Warner For $85B. Is The Mass Media Consolidating?
10                              "Splat" of Schiaparelli Mars Lander Likely Found
11          A British Supercomputer Can Predict Winter Weather a Year In Advance
12                                  Amazon May Handle 30% Of All US Retail Sales
13             VeraCrypt Security Audit Reveals Many Flaws, Some Already Patched
14                American 'Vigilante Hacker' Defaces Russian Ministry's Website
15                                Dyn Executive Responds To Friday's DDOS Attack

using the development (GitHub) version of feedeR and it worked fine.

Are you working with the CRAN version? If so, would you mind installing the version from GitHub and trying again? If that resolves your problem (and I'm pretty sure it will...) then I'll update the version on CRAN.

Thanks, Andrew.

erpreciso commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was using the CRAN version. Just installed from GitHub and confirm it is working properly. Thanks a lot for the helpful package, -- Stefano

datawookie commented 7 years ago

Great. I'll update CRAN.