datchley / react-scale-text

A React library to keep an element's text scaled to fit it's container
MIT License
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Include the example folder? #10

Closed arnthor3 closed 6 years ago

arnthor3 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am in the middle of fixing the dependencies but I am missing the examples folder. Could you include it? I noticed it's not excluded in the .gitignore file.

start: "npm install && cd examples/simple && npm install && npm start"

The project looks nice btw. -A

datchley commented 6 years ago

We just released 1.1.4 which should work with React 16 and latest babel. Are you working on other dependencies?

datchley commented 6 years ago

And, actually, I think that example folder is a hold over from the earliest part of the project. We're really just using the docs/ folder now and don't include a running example. I'll put in a PR to remove that this evening so it's not confusing.

arnthor3 commented 6 years ago

I was in the middle of getting the dependencies updated, so I am really glad that you are on top of things here. I will close this as this is a non issue.