datdotorg / datdot-research

datdot research
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advanced ideas #8

Open serapath opened 4 years ago

serapath commented 4 years ago


DEP .wellknown Proposal

declare "wants" for pinning in .wellknown

CRDT consensus mechanism

so - currently there's a bit of logic you do on "importing" a block on the network that you use to control how blocks change storage etc. in "blockchain world" that means you keep storage for all prospective forks of the chain until finality or whatever and then prune them. but in CRDT world the logic is slightly different the idea is we could replace the "blockchainy" logic in block importing, and replace it with CRDT logic would mean there would be no forks, but instead you could have divergent changes and one set of changes gets "forgotten" potentially, but it's useful for certain usecases

=> it would be a new consensus/block production mechanism. substrate has pluggable consensus, I already migrated from Aura to Babe, this would be a from-scratch mechanism though see: https://github.com/ipfs/notes/tree/master/CRDT and: https://github.com/ipfs/notes/blob/master/CRDT/json-crdt.md


  1. everyone has their own currency => hypercores as "blockchains" with single authorities
    • publish extrinsics/transactions/commands to hypercores
    • @IDEA:
    • anyone can follow a HYPERSWARM (=hypercore with somebody as the owner)
    • and RELAY that owners transactions onto their own TOWER (=transaction hypercore)
  2. don't trust payments in someone's currency, unless
    • it is verified by them
    • you trust them

data retrieval

USE CASE: retrieve data from a known hypercore onchain (e.g. to be used in a smart contract pallet)

// retrieve hypercore backed data onchain
const vaultAPI = require('datdot-vault')
const serviceAPI = require('datdot-service')
const chainAPI = require('datdot-substrate')
// ------------
const signature = sign(secretkey, nonce, hypercore_address)
chainAPI.requestData(publickey, signature, [[hypercore_address1, range1], [hypercore_address2, range2]], event => {})

// ------------
const { account: { publickey, secretkey }, sign } = vaultAPI.account()

chainAPI.offerRetrieval(publickey, function onRetrieval (event) {
  const { addressranges, author: { publickey: author_pkey } } = event
  addressranges.forEach(({ address, range}) => {
    serviceAPI.followHypercore(address, range, function onchunk (chunk) {
      const signature = sign(secretkey, nonce, chunk)
      chainAPI.submitData(publickey, signature, chunk) // + Merkle Proof
      // RETRIEVER needs to pay `transaction fee`
      // => RETRIEVER get paid for doing it (incentivisation)
      // => BACKERS pay for it
      // => FRIENDS are RETRIEVER who pay for it
      //   => or COMPANY (thus not for free)
// => datdot has fixed changing set of RETRIEVERS

=> RANDOM RETRIEVER gets paid CHAIN and CHAIN gets paid by BACKERS
=> CHOSEN RETRIEVER does it for free or gets paid by BACKERS directly
  => like e.g. offer a service to BACKERS and then chosing oneself to do it and get paid

command cores

SUBMITTING EXTRINSICS (for free) via HYPERCORES - upload info (dats) USE CASE:


RELAYERS - way simpler than ppl subscribe to hypercores and register callbacks

  1. HOSTERS (& maybe ATTESTERS) submit chunks to verify on CHAIN
  3. AUTHOR can submit VALID EXTRINSICS (e.g. any call to runtime functions)

USE CASE: especially cool if smart contracts exist submit extrinsics for free via hypercores

  1. a PUBLISHER publishes a command hypercore
  2. a RELAYER can monitor and submit found valid extrinsic chunks
  3. a RELAYER gets paid from BACKERS
  4. if CHAIN figures out a hypercore chunk is valid
    • has a proof
    • is a valid extrinsic
  5. then CHAIN accepts it as an exstrinsic signed by the authors pubkey
    • so merkle roots don't really matter in this case
  6. and CHAIN executes it onchain for free???
    • who pays?

so the datdot chain would be a marketplace where people can requestRelaying and others could discover and then take on that job and every time a valid extrinsic properly signed by the author is submitted, they get paid and the author or any supporter gets charged

const vaultAPI = require('datdot-vault')
const serviceAPI = require('datdot-service')
const chainAPI = require('datdot-substrate')
// ------------
const signature = sign(secretkey, nonce, hypercore_address)
chainAPI.requestRelay(publickey, signature, hypercore_address)

// ------------
const { account: { publickey, secretkey }, sign } = vaultAPI.account()

chainAPI.offerRelay(publickey, function onRelay (event) {
  const { address, author: { publickey: author_pkey } } = event
  serviceAPI.followHypercore(address, function onchunk (chunk) {
    if (chainAPI.isValidExtrinsic(chunk)) {
      const { extrinsic, method } = chunk
      if (method === 'wrap') {
        const signature = sign(secretkey, nonce, extrinsic)
        chainAPI.submit(publickey, signature, extrinsic) // as AGENT
        // RELAYER needs to pay `transaction fee`
        // => RELAYERS get paid for doing it (incentivisation)
        // => BACKERS pay for it
        // => FRIENDS are RELAYERS who pay for it
        //   => or COMPANY (thus not for free)
      } else if (method === 'author') {
        const { signature, data } = extrinsic
        chainAPI.submit(author_pkey, signature, data) // as AUTHOR
        // AUTHOR needs to pay `transaction fee`
        // => RELAYERS get re-imbursed off-chain by AUTHOR or BACKER
      } else if (method === 'RELAYER') {
        const { signature, data } = extrinsic
        chainAPI.submit(publickey, new_signature, data) // as RELAYER
// => datdot has fixed changing set of RELAYERS
// => chain needs to verify the extrinsic based on the public key, because merkleroots don't help here

=> RANDOM RELAYER gets paid CHAIN and CHAIN gets paid by BACKERS
=> CHOSEN RELAYER does it for free or gets paid by BACKERS directly
  => like e.g. offer a service to BACKERS and then chosing oneself to do it and get paid

additional stuff:

async function command (ledger, message, done) {
  const { ID, data: { chunkIndex, chunkHash } } = message
  const feed_key = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/pkey`)
  const length = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/digest`)
  const digest = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/length`)
  const merkle_root = { digest , length }

  const random_provider_IDs = getRandomOnlineProvider(3)
  emit('event', {
    type: 'fetch_and_execute',
async function submit (ledger, message, done) {
async function back  (ledger, message, done) {
  const { ID, data: { chunkIndex, chunkHash } } = message
  const feed_key = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/pkey`)
  const length = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/digest`)
  const digest = await ledger.get(`/accounts/${ID}/length`)
  const merkle_root = { digest , length }
  // ....  

service market

Every market service makes a separate service economy

Because it is hard to compare "apples" to "oranges"

put chain source and blockchain into hypercores

erasure codes for more efficient hypercore duplication?



"IBC" protocol standard

add smart contract like exchange and/or cross-chain connection standard, so other chains which implement it (e.g. other chains which use datdot (e.g. as a substrate pallet)) can connect and at the bare minimum, exchange ratio across chain and eventually take care of exchange rates and other things, so there is no need to go through a centralised service.