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[BUG] Markdown parsing #75

Open ninabreznik opened 2 years ago

ninabreznik commented 2 years ago

In the news.md, if we use the follwing text

We are looking for a senior UX/UI designer with vanilla.js skills. And we are also looking for a rust/substrate developer with passion for [hypercore protocol](https://hypercore-protocol.org). If you are interested, please reach out to us on Twitter/Telegram/Discord ([@serapath](https://twitter.com/serapath) or [@ninabreznik](https://twitter.com/ninabreznik)).

parser will display

We are looking for a senior UX/UI designer with vanilla.js skills. And we are also looking for a rust/substrate developer with passi>hypercore protocol. If you are interested, please reach out to us on Twitter/Telegram/Discord ([@serapath](https://twitter.com/serapath) or [@ninabreznik](https://twitter.com/ninabreznik)).

BUT if we replace word passion for with love for, parsing works fine.

Here is how we tested it in the console(by first making mdConvert available, by adding window.mdConvert = mdConver in AppInfo.js)

var el = document.createElement('el')
var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/playproject-io/datdot/main/packages/datdot/blob/news.md'

const text = `
## 2022/08/02 
### We are hiring 

We are looking for a senior UX/UI designer with vanilla.js skills. And we are also looking for a rust/substrate developer with love for [foo](#). If you are interested, please reach out to us on Twitter/Telegram/Discord ([@serapath](https://twitter.com/serapath) or [@ninabreznik](https://twitter.com/ninabreznik)). 

document.body.innerHTML = ''


mdConvert(text, el)