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Google search results link to legacy date-fns versions #146

Open raerpo opened 4 years ago

raerpo commented 4 years ago

Hi everybody! thank you for the great work.

A regular workflow that I have when I don't remember something in date-fns is searching it in google and clicking on the result that takes me to the oficial documentation. The problem is that those results, in almost all cases, take me to the old version of the library and I ended up using deprecated methods.

I'll give an example.

I search for date fns format and i get this result:

Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 11 20 32 AM

I click the result and I arrive at the documentation without any warning or sign that I'm looking at a old version (1.30 in this case)

Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 11 20 49 AM

Some people will start reading this and will get unexpected errors and will get frustrated by not getting something working even thou the are taking it directly from the documentation.

Proposed solution

I guess there are two options here.

1) Show a BIG message indicating that they are arriving at legacy docs page and they should check the version that they are using and move to that version instead.

2) Make a redirect to the latest version as soon as they arrived at the docs.

I like the first option the better because is less intrusive and also the second option could damage the SEO (not sure about it)

Either way, I would like to contribute with a PR once a decision has been made.


thgh commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to mention that Google doesn't seem to index specific doc pages anymore, it only points to these:

tan75 commented 2 years ago

Task: Add a bigger "this is not the latest version" banner