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Translate various blog posts into Portuguese #456

Open baltpeter opened 3 years ago

baltpeter commented 3 years ago

The following blog posts need to be translated into Portuguese (ordered by importance):

The translations belong in the content/pt/blog folder (or a respective subfolder). You don't need to create the featured images yourself. Please just tell me a good shorter version of the post title and then I will create the image.
I have only linked the English versions but all pages are also available in German and some in other languages, for further reference if needed.

If you want to work on a page, please leave a comment here and I will tag you in the overview. This way, we can avoid duplicated work. :)

Please note that we cannot accept machine translations.

CosmicGirl42 commented 3 years ago

Can I be assigned to translate "A quick overview of" blog post?

baltpeter commented 3 years ago

@CosmicGirl42 Done. Thank you!

lopeselio commented 3 years ago

@baltpeter Can I be assigned to translate "supervisory-authorities" to Portuguese?

baltpeter commented 3 years ago

@lopeselio I have assigned you, thanks.