datenanfragen / website

The website including the request PDF generator and company information database
MIT License
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Debloat CSS #596

Open baltpeter opened 3 years ago

baltpeter commented 3 years ago

While it isn't the end of the world at currently 23KB, our CSS could definitely do with a bit of optimizing. Two things in particular I can think of right now:

thenicekat commented 2 years ago

Hey, I would like to work on this, can you assign this to me?

thenicekat commented 2 years ago

Can you also give more details though if you don't mind?

baltpeter commented 2 years ago

@Divyateja04 This isn't really an issue that I can give you more details on as the purpose is to research that. You would need to either be familiar with our code base already or willing to dig in yourself.

For more guided issues, take a look at the ones tagged good first issue.

thenicekat commented 2 years ago

Yeah but most of them are assigned and remaining are translation ones and I don't know most of the languages which would mess it up again so is there any issue I can actually work on?

baltpeter commented 2 years ago

Sorry, nothing we can do about. We'll add new issues as we think of them.

Otherwise, you can always try and use the site to find bugs or things you can improve yourself.

thenicekat commented 2 years ago

yeah I found another issue infact, see if I can work on it

arnabiscreating commented 2 years ago

Hello @baltpeter , I'd want to assist with this issue; I've reviewed the codebase and am confident that I can assist with the optimization of generator.scss and main.scss. Can you assign it to me. Thank you

baltpeter commented 2 years ago

Thanks @encodeArnab, I have assigned you.

arnabiscreating commented 2 years ago

Hello @baltpeter, I'm having trouble finding the locally hosted port; could you assist me? I followed the development section of the readme and installed everything needed. Thank you so much.

thenicekat commented 2 years ago

Hey, even though I'm not an admin, I think I can help you out. What port are you looking for by the way?

baltpeter commented 2 years ago

@encodeArnab If you run hugo server, it should tell you the ports in the output:

Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Environment: "development"
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1314/ (bind address
Environment: "development"
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1315/ (bind address
Environment: "development"
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1316/ (bind address
Environment: "development"
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1317/ (bind address
Environment: "development"
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1318/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
arnabiscreating commented 2 years ago

Hello @baltpeter, I've tried running Hugo server several times, but it never returned this result, and the server isn't even running. I've followed all of the instructions. It says in the output fatal error: pipe failed What am I supposed to do?

baltpeter commented 2 years ago

@encodeArnab That sounds like an error with Hugo or your Hugo installation. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that.

arnabiscreating commented 2 years ago

@encodeArnab That sounds like an error with Hugo or your Hugo installation. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that.

It's fine, I'll try to figure out how to deal with this error by looking through their documentation. Thank you.