datngu / Circall

Circall is a novel method to discover circular RNA from paired-end RNA sequencing data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error in log file on completed run #3

Open AMChalkie opened 1 year ago

AMChalkie commented 1 year ago


A couple of questions:

Best wishes Alistair

        _____   (_)   _____  _____   __        __      __
       / ___/  / /   / ___/ / ___/  /  \      / /     / /
      / /__   / /   / /    / /__   / __ \    / /__   / /__
      \___/  /_/   /_/     \___/  /_/  \_\  /_/__/  /_/__/


tail /mnts/scratch/circrna_using_Circall_docker/output/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3_Circall.log 3286 1 0.1255279 292.0 3289 1 0.1255279 1109.0 3298 1 0.1255279 742.0 3340 1 0.1255279 494.0 3346 1 0.1255279 518.0 3483 1 0.1255279 764.0 3539 1 0.1255279 1927.0

Done! Results are save in /mnts/scratch/circrna_using_Circall_docker/output/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3_Circall_final.txtError: object 'PEres' not found Execution halted

head /mnts/scratch/circrna_using_Circall_docker/output/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3/sgMDA5_total_d3_rep3_Circall_final.txt chr start end geneID circID junction_fragment_count junction_FPM median_circlen 6 40683939 40709120 ENSMUSG00000068587 64068393940709120 5 0.62763969564998 2685 8 33669153 33685702 ENSMUSG00000031584 83366915333685702 5 0.62763969564998 735

datngu commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you very much for using the tool and reporting the bugs to us!

I will investigate the error this weekend. It would be great if you can provide me some ribo-minus RNA seq data in mouse (any - public data is good so that I can download it) so I can test directly on the mouse genome and annotations.

Regarding the dep data, I put one file with fdr2d parameters estimated from human datasets in the docker image. You can use this option to enable it: -dep Circall/Data/Circall_depdata_human.RData

Hope that this is useful!

Best wishes and have a nice weekend! Dat

AMChalkie commented 1 year ago

Thanks :) I appreciate the effort.

Here is an example dataset but I'm not 100% sure it is what you need.


Best wishes Alistair