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Incompability with Kodi 14.2 #3

Open zsarosi opened 8 years ago

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi! I tried to install the Picasa-Desktop XBMC plugin in Kodi, but it says, it is incompatible with Kodi. Is there any chance to get an updated version? Regards, Zoltan

datom commented 8 years ago

Hi Zoltan, did you have the latest version from github?

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi datom, Originally I tried from the zip from your homepage. Now I tried it from github, but I am not sure whether I am doing it right. First I copied the URL https://github.com/datom/xbmc-addons/archive/master.zip and defined it as a source in Kodi, it didn't work. Then I downloaded the zip file to the local filesystem and definied it in Kodi, didn't work either. Then I extracted the picasa directory from the zip, and packed it into a new zip file that I defined in Kodi again as a zip source. Then it complaints that the zip file doesn't have the right structure..... Is there a simple way to install the plugin in Kodi?

datom commented 8 years ago


i created a zip for you https://github.com/datom/xbmc-addons/releases/download/2/plugin.image.picasa.zip

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi datom,

many thanks for the .zip file, I was able to install it this time. I am now trying to set up the plugin. I have my pictures and the picasa db on my local disk. I am running Picasa 3.9 on Linux in PlayOnLinux. The location of the Picasa data directory is in ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Picasa/drive_c/users/myusername/Local_Settings/Application\ Data/Google/Picasa2/ . So I made a softlink to this directory from my home: ~/picasadb . Now I try to configure the plugin, by setting this link as "Database Location" as "alternative path" and the "Folder" as ~/picasadb . After setting this, nothing happens. I also tried to set ~/picasadb/db3 as the Folder, but still no success. What should be the right setting?

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi Datom, could you help me please with the issue above. I don't know how to configure the picasa plugin. I tried several settings, but till now, none of them worked.

datom commented 8 years ago

Hi zsarosi, sorry for my late answer but i have currently no time to check it. I'll look at it in the next few weeks.

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi Datom, Sorry for bugging you, I am just curious, are there any news?

datom commented 8 years ago

hi zsarosi, did you check the kodi log for errors?

did you tried to set the complete folder path directly without symlink ?

zsarosi commented 8 years ago

Hi datom, thanks for the tip, I enabled debugging in kodi, and in the log I found the following stuff when I try to start the plugin: http://pastebin.com/a9YH9L8W I tried to use a folder without symlink, but I think according to the logs it dies earlier.