[x] Decide whether you are running against a local instance or the cloud? If cloud what instance in the cloud? Let's run against the cloud and use the enterprise (+ versioning) https://ckan-enterprise-versioning.dev.datopian.com instance. As soon as we have an enterprise+aircan instance up and running we will use that!
[ ] Test steps (in cypress) - we can use ckan-client-js ...
[ ] Create a dataset in CKAN test instance @cuducos
[ ] Create resource with a file @cuducos
[ ] Check you can download the file @cuducos
[ ] Check on status of run using {ckan instance}/api/3/aircan_statusbut we don't know run_id so how do we get it? => Maybe skip this
[ ] Check datastore is updated (called data API): call ... /api/3/datastore_search?resource_id={RES_ID} ... BLOCKED until we have instance deployed with AirCan
[ ] Test steps 2
[ ] Explicitly submit dag by calling aircan_submit
Where do we put the “test” scripts: ckanext-aircan
Does it get run automatically? Manually run for now
Can you configure the ckan instance to run against? Yes! Default prob local ckan instance (e.g. localhost:5000) and put in README about the standard test ckan instance we have …
How do I do local development/testing?
Just test the microservices
Test for integration by deploying into the cloud quickly and with automated integration tests
When developing AirCan i want a scripted test I can run to test the end to end functioning of a load of data into DataStore
Check on status of run using {ckan instance}/api/3/aircan_statusbut we don't know run_id so how do we get it? => Maybe skip thisaircan_submit