datopian / data-explorer

Data Explorer app and components built in React oriented to use with CKAN
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[Data Explorer] Serialize redux state to share link #21

Open anuveyatsu opened 4 years ago

anuveyatsu commented 4 years ago

Moved from gitlab, originally created by @starsinmypockets

As a user I want to share a link the data explorer in the state it is currently in so I can share insight and have fun exploring data with friends




(from hackmd w/ Rufus + Anuar 2019-09-02)

Data Explorer can take and run ...

view-embed?redux= .....

Boot a data explorer and load that redux ...

/core/xyz ... looking at an explorer

share https://mysite.com/view-explorer?redux=...

iframe src=/view-explorer?redux=....&embed=true

  1. I go to showcase page and play with one of the xplorerers
  2. I take the link now in the share field which is /view-explorer?redux=xxx
  3. I paste this in my browser
  4. /view-explorer?redux=xxx

    • Get the redux state out of the url (url decode it)
    • Instantiate Data Explorer and set the redux state


explorer-redux = {
  datapackage: {},
  widgets: []
  // maybe some extras
anuveyatsu commented 4 years ago

Comment from Paul Walker:

A bit of further analysis.

Unloading widgets -> datapackage


I'm guessing that this should have an interface as follows:

import { unloadDatapackage } from 'data.js'
import { serializeState } from './utils'

// ... reducer code
const unloadedWidgets = getState().widgets.map(widget => {A
  const newWidget = deepClone(widget)
  newWidget.datapackage = unloadDatapackage(newWidget.datapackage)
  return newWidget 

// add unloaded to state, etc


  1. In a populated datapackage (data attached) can we remove all data and _values attributes from all embedded resources and still have a valid (ie fetch-able datapackage)?
  2. Maybe this would break data-inline type datapackage resources, in which case we need an exception for that type?

Cons Complicated

Save initial config on store

Save the initial config and use it to reload app, along with controls which could be updated.

So an application could be rehydrated with two attributes and one function call:

The output of this would be the application state, including data

anuveyatsu commented 4 years ago

Comment from Paul Walker:

Most of this is done:

There is a problem that the state is too long for the url which has a limit of 20000k I think that we need some sort of key/val storage which works like this:

  1. Explorer state is updated
  2. Serialized state is stored to redis
  3. Share link points to frontend endpoint that pulls state from redis and instantiates page

I could do further research on redis solution. I'm sure there is a freemium hosted solution

Open to other suggestions :)

anuveyatsu commented 4 years ago

Comment from Paul Walker:

Also maybe we can use JSONC.pack which is url friendly zip... it's very ugly / unreadable / looks kind of sketchy (ie - it looks like obfuscated code which I would probably not paste into a url myself because I wouldn't trust it)


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JSONC compression isn't a definitive solution since we will still easily exceed the url limit in some cases - if the resource description is long, for instance

anuveyatsu commented 4 years ago

Comment from Rufus:

let's not do key value stuff in redis. For now we can see if we could keep it simple e.g. strip the data package down to essentials.

Longer terms we just store views explicitly i.e. login to store and share ... (that's a separate issue).