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Feature request: Display file properties on published file #571

Open shbarton opened 9 months ago

shbarton commented 9 months ago

As a user who is creating a digital garden where my notes, essays, and podcasts have a property for topic tags, I would like to have the option to automatically display file properties on the live page.

How I would use this: I would choose to display the properties 'tags' and 'type' (essay, podcast, note), but not 'status' (idea, in-progress, complete).

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

@shbarton great suggestion. Do you have a crude "fat-marker" sketch of how you'd like to display this - you could sketch something in https://excalidraw.com and paste here.

e.g. do you want properties at bottom, side etc at bottom of page.

also what about selecting what properties to display ...

shbarton commented 8 months ago

@rufuspollock yeap no worries, here's a quick wireframe. CleanShot 2023-10-24 at 11 21 24 Properties are displayed underneath the description (date, tags, type).

Re selecting properties to display, I think that would happen when configuring the page type.

So continuing with this example, I would open an interface for page types and be able to choose which properties I want to add. Properties available in obsidian would be pre-populated, i just select which ones i want to show and which ones I don't, and choose the order they appear in.

To keep things simple and minimise work involved for this, I would give users to option of displaying properties in only one way to start off with (eg. the image above), and then provide a few alt options if enough people request it.

rufuspollock commented 8 months ago

@shbarton this is great thank-you.

A general thought i have atm is how to empower more people (like you) from the community to "scratch their itch" and implement something like this right now. I'm thinking these could be like "recipes" for particular functionality people want to add. Often we can "hack" that in quite quickly. Then, if proves useful, it can come back upstream into the core library in some way or other.

For example here, implementation is quite possible already:

shbarton commented 8 months ago

@rufuspollock that works for me! I wouldn't need anything more than that tbh, i'd just add that property to my template.

joesmusings commented 4 months ago

@rufuspollock do you have any additional info on the "Add a special layout to render" point above? Would be awesome to get some examples of how others have done something similar or guides if available

rufuspollock commented 4 months ago

@joesmusings thanks for the prompt. Just check out https://flowershow.app/docs/custom-layout for how to create custom layouts 😄

joesmusings commented 3 months ago

@rufuspollock this is awesome, thank you so much!