datreeio / CRDs-catalog

Popular Kubernetes CRDs (CustomResourceDefinition) in JSON schema format.
MIT License
439 stars 169 forks source link

Is this still maintained? YES! #310

Closed userbradley closed 2 weeks ago

userbradley commented 2 months ago


is this at all still maintained?

There's close to 40 PR's open that have had no attention, and 16 Issues that have had no input from maintainers.

Is this project maintained? Or are you looking for new maintainers?

Edit as of May the 24th

There are 2 competing new forks of this

So if you're looking for a CRD schema repo, pick one of those that works for you!

As always, they're probably looking for maintainers, so reach out to them!

Edit as of the 7th of June

I have become a maintainer on this repo! Woo!

pauloconnor commented 1 month ago

It looks like Datree shut down some time ago, so I imagine this GitHub org is abandoned https://www.linkedin.com/posts/eyar-zilberman_hi-shimon-and-eyar-the-founders-of-datree-activity-7090315925777715200-E32N?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

ElanHasson commented 1 month ago

aww sad. I have a fork here-- https://github.com/InfinityFlowApp/CRDs-catalog and we're committed to maintaining this.

pauloconnor commented 1 month ago

It might be worth chatting to the kubeconform folks, and seeing if they're willing to repoint to your fork https://github.com/yannh/kubeconform?tab=readme-ov-file#customresourcedefinition-crd-support They may be interested in hosting their own.

ElanHasson commented 1 month ago

I'm open to whatever works @pauloconnor -- We couldn't wait any longer for green builds for us, so we took destiny into our own hands a few months ago.

ElanHasson commented 1 month ago

👋🏼 @yannh What are your thoughts on this matter?

yannh commented 1 month ago

Hello 👋 I don't really have the bandwidth to maintain this, but i could link to the most active(s) fork(s) in kubeconform's readme?

userbradley commented 1 month ago

I was thinking perhaps we can use the org I've created to house this repo and associated ones?


I'd be looking to put something like this on the repo so the community can control and vote on who has access to manage the repo etc: https://github.com/repository-settings/app


I also reached out to the UK Governments digital office to see if they would want to support it, but they said no.

My thinking behind putting it on the org I've set up is I've got the time to maintain it, I've got no agenda here other than similar stories to this

We couldn't wait any longer for green builds for us

Thoughts? Disagreements?

ElanHasson commented 1 month ago

@userbradley i'm not opposed to anything here-- just trying to control my destiny :)

jacksgt commented 1 month ago

I think creating a Github organization is a good idea, so we can stop handing around the maintainership of this project like a hot potato. Ideally alongside a couple of maintainers (not just a single person) who can review PRs etc.

eyarz commented 1 month ago

Hi all Apparently, all my emails from GitHub went to the wrong email address (I fixed that). In the next few days, I will review all PRs and approve them. I will continue to maintain this project, regardless of the fact that we closed Datree.

If someone wants to help maintain this project, I would be more than happy to get some help :)

userbradley commented 1 month ago

@eyarz please put me down as a maintainer, more than happy to take this repo over!

jacksgt commented 1 month ago

In the next few days, I will review all PRs and approve them. I will continue to maintain this project, regardless of the fact that we closed Datree.

This is great news! Though please also consider moving the repo into an org maintained by multiple people to keep this project alive in the future :-)

pauloconnor commented 1 month ago

+1 to moving this to it's own org, but we definitely need some more folks added to the repo short term. I'm not sure what the best approach for picking folks is, but I'm happy to help in whatever way I can to get this repo back on track.

eyarz commented 1 month ago

Thank you all for the support! (@pauloconnor DM you on LinkedIn) let's start by adding some new maintainers to this project and getting it back on track. after that, we can discuss whether it makes sense to move this project to a new organization.

ElanHasson commented 1 month ago

Agree on org, would like to be a maintainer as well.

How can we make the entire process easier?

I was thinking that we can build an index of CRD definition locations and automatically update the repository when the crd changes.


eyarz commented 4 weeks ago

Agree on org, would like to be a maintainer as well.

How can we make the entire process easier?

I was thinking that we can build an index of CRD definition locations and automatically update the repository when the crd changes.


go for it! this was my initial idea, and this is why I created the index file from the beginning (but it's not updated anymore)

regarding getting help as a maintainer, I also DM'd you on LinkedIn :)

CodeReaper commented 4 weeks ago

Agree on org, would like to be a maintainer as well.

How can we make the entire process easier?

I was thinking that we can build an index of CRD definition locations and automatically update the repository when the crd changes.


We noticed the slow-down of merges for the catalog too and scheduled a sprint task for rethinking and replacing the catalog, but forgot to tell anyone. Just a small oversight :)

go for it! this was my initial idea, and this is why I created the index file from the beginning (but it's not updated anymore)

regarding getting help as a maintainer, I also DM'd you on LinkedIn :)

It seems like re-invented your old idea. :P

We still need to update the sources files to have all the same files as this catalog does, but we have not tracked down all their sources yet. I am hoping for a little community to do that.

Our catalog should be ready once the sources are updated. Take a look:


We are hoping to move the repo to somewhere appropriate and create GitHub groups like core-maintainers and source-maintainers so we can add a CODEOWNER file to allow a large group of people to merge pull requests for helm-charts.yaml and manifest-uris.yaml and smaller group to maintain the actual code.

We are a bit late to the party, but can we go forward with our repo?

eyarz commented 3 weeks ago

@CodeReaper super cool what you did there!

I agree with the CODEOWNER approach, and I've started onboarding new maintainers from this thread. Feel free to open a PR to update the README file to mention your project as well.

pauloconnor commented 2 weeks ago

To close the loop here, I along with two others have been added to the Org, so we'll be helping move this project along in future.

eyarz commented 2 weeks ago

We now have 3 new maintainers added to this project: @ElanHasson @pauloconnor @userbradley thank you all for the help!! ❤️