datrs / hypercore

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Merge with component repos #8

Closed khernyo closed 6 years ago

khernyo commented 6 years ago

This issue is a proposal for merging the hypercore repo with its dependency libraries from the datrs project (and keeping them as separate crates if necessary). The merged dependency libraries would be the following:

There are a couple of benefits in doing this and not a lot of downsides that I know of. In short, it would facilitate faster development with fewer breakages and easier understanding of the whole project.

On the plus side:

As for the disadvantages, these are what I could think of:

All in all, I think it's a net positive.

Why do it in the hypercore repo? It seems to me that this is the first layer of the Dat Project which should be usable on its own. The dependencies of this project are implementation details. Some of those could be usable on their own, so it might be worthwhile to keep them as separate crates. And I guess the least controversial move is to keep them as separate crates.

To keep the dependencies as separate crates, the workspace feature of cargo can be used: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1525-cargo-workspace.md. Here is a project using this feature: https://github.com/gfx-rs/gfx

What do you think?

If you think it might be worthwhile, I can do the merge in a test repo where anyone can try how it would work before committing to this repo overhaul.

yoshuawuyts commented 6 years ago

Hey, I appreciate you opening this issue - but I much prefer working with individual GitHub repositories. This allows scoping issues without needing to manually label them all.

We could of course go down the path of automation for labelling, but with that we'd have to maintain infrastructure & probably code up a bunch of tools.

All of this will end up taking time, which is something that is currently the constraint (only have 12 more weeks left on my grant). If possible I'd like to focus on getting Hypercore working, and I think the current setup is good enough to achieve that.

That said, I do think workspaces are useful. I'm thinking of bringing the WASM version of Hypercore + the C version of Hypercore into the same repository as Hypercore using workspaces. That should hopefully allow us to keep concerns scoped, and ensure no breaking changes occur between the (tightly) related modules.

Thanks again for bringing this up, I hope my explanation here makes enough sense!

khernyo commented 6 years ago

Sure, thanks for taking the time to consider it!