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Bigram viewer is dependent on grid movies #55

Closed calebweinreb closed 1 year ago

calebweinreb commented 1 year ago

I get the following error when running the bigram widget without grid movies in my model directory.

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[43], line 2
      1 normalize='bigram'
----> 2 trans_mats, usages, groups = kpms.generate_transition_matrices(progress_paths, normalize=normalize)
      3 kpms.visualize_transition_bigram(groups, trans_mats, normalize=normalize)

File ~/Dropbox (HMS)/caleb weinreb/PROJECTS/MOUSE_SURVEILANCE/22_3_1_keypoint_MOSEQ/official_pipelines/keypoint-moseq/keypoint_moseq/analysis.py:1248, in generate_transition_matrices(progress_paths, normalize, syll_key)
   1245     print('No syllable movies or index file found. Please generate syllable movies and the index file first, and make sure the paths are recorded in progress.yaml.')
   1246 else:
   1247     # get the number of max syllable to include
-> 1248     max_syllables = len(os.listdir(progress_paths.get('grid_movie_dir')))
   1249     if max_syllables == 0:
   1250         print('No syllable movies found. Please generate syllable moives and make sure the path is recorded in progress.yaml.')

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'demo_project/2023_03_16-15_50_11/grid_movies'
versey-sherry commented 1 year ago

handled: 1f10fd6404e0fe65e5553188b79a2b9b0dae1de7