dattalab / keypoint-moseq

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AttributeError: module 'keypoint_moseq' has no attribute 'load_keypoints' #63

Closed ryanschwark closed 1 year ago

ryanschwark commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

When using the most up-to-date version of the tutorial notebook for model training (https://github.com/dattalab/keypoint-moseq/blob/main/docs/source/tutorial.ipynb), we've run into an error during the Load Data step. Any idea what be causing this issue? We run the following cell and receive the resulting error:

load data (e.g. from DeepLabCut)

keypoint_data_path = 'Identity tracking test\Identity tracked keypoint videos' # can be a file, a directory, or a list of files coordinates, confidences, bodyparts = kpms.load_keypoints(keypoint_data_path, 'sleap')

format data for modeling

data, labels = kpms.format_data(coordinates, confidences=confidences, **config())

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[21], line 3 1 # load data (e.g. from DeepLabCut) 2 keypoint_data_path = 'Identity tracking test\Identity tracked keypoint videos' # can be a file, a directory, or a list of files ----> 3 coordinates, confidences, bodyparts = kpms.io.load_sleap_results(keypoint_data_path) 5 # format data for modeling 6 data, labels = kpms.format_data(coordinates, confidences=confidences, **config())

AttributeError: module 'io' has no attribute 'load_sleap_results'

calebweinreb commented 1 year ago

Try kpms.load_sleap_results?