dattalab / keypoint-moseq

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analysis pipeline upates #71

Closed versey-sherry closed 1 year ago

versey-sherry commented 1 year ago

1) Added angular velocity in moseq_df and stats_df. 2) syllable determined by runlength. 3) added dendrogram to tutorial.ipynb and renamed tutorial.ipynb to model.ipynb 4) In all the functions that save a figure, “save_dir” optional. The default can be [project_dir]/[model]/figures/ 5) move “create_fingerprint_dataframe” inside of “plot_fingerprint” 6) in “generate_transition_matrices” the caller provide a frequency cutoff instead of an explicit number of syllables to show. 7) only pick normalization once, then the variable is passed to the plots to plot the title 8) use syllable names (instead of numbers) in the sem plot and transition matrix plot 9) label_syllables doesn't recompute moseq_df 10) removed wrappers.py 11) add docs for sem plotting 12) simplified finger print plot