datum-cloud / datum

Datum's central server
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Add marketing list capabilities + integrate with email provider #660

Open matoszz opened 6 months ago

matoszz commented 6 months ago

Our current transactional email provider (Sendgrid) is today just blasting emails out via API requests - given we have the user context when sending the email, we should start tracking contact attributes via sendgrid's Marketing Campaigns for future marketing / email purposes. The current email provider integration is specific to sendgrid and needs to be eventually genericized and made to be a customer-facing integration capability (or at least highly customizable) but this issue is to start building those features out by enhancing our existing integration to take advantage of SG's platform features.

matoszz commented 5 months ago

We decided to create our own subscriber / un-subscriber list https://github.com/datumforge/datum/pull/668 but there may be more / additional work required to make this a customer consumable feature; we'd want to provide some instruction and/or integration paths on how a customer could funnel subscribers submitted within their websites to their datum organizations (presumably with an API token ?) @golanglemonade feel free to add any other details relevant

golanglemonade commented 1 month ago

Subscribers are now created with the use of an API token and our org owned construct as described above.