datvuthanh / HybridNets

HybridNets: End-to-End Perception Network
MIT License
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Why does HybridNets require larger GPU memory? #83

Open yaoshanliang opened 1 year ago

yaoshanliang commented 1 year ago

In YOLOP, I can set batch_size to 64 in a 3090 sever. However, in HybridNets, the batch_size can only be set to 8. Otherwise, the program shows the message "Out of Memory".

I have made some modifications according to the readme file and some issues in this project, including python train.py --cal_map False, python train.py --conf_thres 0.5, but it still trains slowly. Do I need to modify some other configs in your project?

wxzb625 commented 1 year ago

return F.conv2d(input, weight, bias, self.stride, RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [64, 32, 3, 3], expected input[2, 24, 98, 162] to have 32 channels, but got 24 channels instead 你好,看到您对这个项目了解很深,对于这个项目,当我把compound_coef=3改为compound_coef=1时,也就是把网络由b3替换成了b1,会出现上述的错误,为什么会出现层数不匹配的错误,希望得到您的解答。