daumemo / IPS_LCD_R61529_FT6236_Arduino_eSPI_Test

Arduino eSPI with R61529 LCD with touch
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Pin out of 6-pole FT6236 FPC #4

Open Queequack opened 8 months ago

Queequack commented 8 months ago


I am looking for the pin out of the 6-pin FPC of the FT6236 touch controller. On Aliexpress, in most cases only the pin out of the 40-pin FPC of the 3.5 inch display (ILI9488) is specified.

During the search I came across various pin outs: FT6236 (but only 3.2 inch): bydisplay These two have the same pin put, but it is not obvious where pin 1 and where pin 6 is: ebay and Aliexpress.

Which pin is 1, which is 6 and what is the pin out for exactly this display from your article?


daumemo commented 8 months ago


sorry for a late replay.

Pinout is: 1-3V3, 2-SDA, 3-SCL, 4-INT, 5-RESET, 6-GND; Both FPC40 and FPC6 pinouts can be found in my DIY generator post schemtic: https://daumemo.com/finished-diy-portable-wi-fi-function-generator-part-17/ Well, to be exact in this schematic: https://daumemo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/DIY-generator-final-schematic-MCU.png

Now as the display that I had is currently used in a finished device, I can only suggest how you could find out which pin is first and last. According to this image: https://daumemo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/FT6236-touch-controller-and-its-FPC-adapter-to-ESP32-board.jpg there should be markings "1" and "6" which indicate which pin is which. Here is another pic, showing markings "1" and "6": https://daumemo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IPS-LCD-D3.5LG07-3V-TL35024-02-with-Capacitive-touch-back-side.jpg If your model does not have any markings, the GND pin usually connects to a big copper area, so that might be an indicitaion of finding out the GND (the 6th pin).