daurnimator / lua-http

HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.
MIT License
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Opening a websocket to a host which isn't online deadlocks #168

Closed Mehgugs closed 4 years ago

Mehgugs commented 4 years ago

I was testing a websocket client for a service I'm hosting locally right now. I forgot to start said service before testing my client and noticed no errors, but that the lua process was using a lot of CPU resources.

Here is my connect function:

function connect(node)
    node.socket = websocket.new_from_uri(node.config.wss)
    node.socket.request.headers:upsert("user-agent", USER_AGENT)
    node.socket.request.headers:upsert("authorization", node.config.password)
    node.socket.request.headers:upsert("num-shards", tostring(tointeger(node.link.shards)))
    node.socket.request.headers:upsert("user-id", tostring(node.link.user_id))
    logger.info("%s will now connect", node)
    local success, str, err = node.socket:connect(3) --- This line blocks the coroutine forever and cqueues starts to use a lot of resources

    if not success then -- expected it to reach here 
        return logger.error("%s had an error while connecting (%s - %q, %q)", node, errno[err], errno.strerror(err), str or "")
        node.connected = true
        node.link.loop:wrap(messages, node)
        logger.info("%s connected", node)

In this scenario I would expect an ECONNREFUSED.

I would note that my lua process is being run currently from a wsl session while I test locally and that the service is hosted "outside" on windows.

daurnimator commented 4 years ago

This times out for me after 3 seconds:

websocket = require "http.websocket";
Mehgugs commented 4 years ago

Try it with the local loopback a la:

websocket = require "http.websocket";

Seems it only happens for me when it's localhost

Mehgugs commented 4 years ago

Okay i've looked more closely and it seems to be specific to WSL (windows subsytem for linux). You can close this but maybe a note on the cqueues repo about this platform having some issues might be a good idea?

daurnimator commented 4 years ago

Okay i've looked more closely and it seems to be specific to WSL (windows subsytem for linux). You can close this but maybe a note on the cqueues repo about this platform having some issues might be a good idea?

Please do so :)

Note that I have no idea how I'd debug a WSL-specific issue...