daurnimator / lua-http

HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.
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http/websocket: fix mid-size frames sometimes failing to be received #197

Open LBPHacker opened 2 years ago

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

This is more an educated guess as to why #140 exists combined with some pattern matching, than a well-researched, proof-backed solution. But it does fix a service I maintain that otherwise exhibits the problem described in the aforementioned issue.

Edit: I'm not sure what sort of test one would add for something like this, request for comments on that.

To verify that this indeed fixes what I think* is the problem, I first severely handicapped my lo:

ifconfig lo mtu 1500
tc qdisc change dev lo root netem rate 16kbit

And ran the following programs (code below):

./server.lua &
time ./client.lua
server.lua ```lua #!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 local http_websocket = require("http.websocket") local http_server = require("http.server") local http_headers = require("http.headers") local cqueues = require("cqueues") local function reply(myserver, stream) local req_headers = assert(stream:get_headers()) local ws = assert(http_websocket.new_from_stream(stream, req_headers)) ws:accept() while true do local data, typ = ws:receive() if not data then break end ws:send(data, typ) end ws:close(1000) end local myserver = assert(http_server.listen({ host = "", port = 36779, onstream = reply, onerror = function(myserver, context, op, err, errno) local msg = op .. " on " .. tostring(context) .. " failed" if err then msg = msg .. ": " .. tostring(err) end assert(io.stderr:write(msg, "\n")) end, })) assert(myserver:listen()) do local bound_port = select(3, myserver:localname()) assert(io.stderr:write(string.format("Now listening on port %d\n", bound_port))) end assert(myserver:loop()) ```
client.lua ```lua #!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 local http_websocket = require("http.websocket") local cqueues = require("cqueues") local errno = require("cqueues.errno") local large_str = ("z"):rep(10000) local client = http_websocket.new_from_uri('ws://localhost:36779') assert(client:connect()) client:send(large_str, "text") local data, typ while true do data, typ, errcode = client:receive(1) if data then break end if errcode ~= errno.ETIMEDOUT then error(typ) end end assert(#data == #large_str) client:close(1000) ```

Without the fix applied, I get

onstream on http.h1_stream{connection=http.h1_connection{type="server";version=1.1};state="closed"} failed: /usr/share/lua/5.3/http/websocket.lua:282: read: Connection timed out

and the client never terminates. With the fix applied, I get

time ./client.lua

real    0m14.598s
user    0m0.023s
sys 0m0.004s

*: I see nothing else in the code that might cause the assertion to fail, but I'm unfamiliar with both the websocket RFCs and this codebase, so there may be things I'm missing.

daurnimator commented 2 years ago

Thankyou for investingating! This indeed looks like it could be the issue.

Are you able to create a test case: working backwards from the changed code, we should be able to reach+test this code by sending a frame of size >125 but less than 65536.

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

I'll try my best, but as I said, I'm unsure what sort of test one would add for testing this, as the conditions don't seem easily reproducible from Lua. I did at some point try interposing socket.xwrite to introduce artificial throttling and fragmentation, but it didn't end well.

daurnimator commented 2 years ago

'll try my best, but as I said, I'm unsure what sort of test one would add for testing this, as the conditions don't seem easily reproducible from Lua.

I think it would look similar to https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-http/blob/169c1a7586d39be1bf0d98b69934e8e8b08a87cd/spec/websocket_spec.lua#L246-L262 except without the :close() on the writing side until after the receive side has completed.

daurnimator commented 2 years ago

Oh I see: fill is eager and if you only have half the packet then the timeout of 0 is used.

Okay yeah, we need some way to only send half the message "now", half after a delay. Or to cap :fill.... thinking....

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

I'm pretty close to getting something working, will post in a bit.

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

Got it. The test http.websocket module two sided tests works with medium size frames, even if the connection is really bad fails without the fix, with the error we know from and love in #140.

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

Are we in a deadlock here? I'm waiting for a response on the interposition thing, maybe you're also waiting for something?

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

60-day poke.

daurnimator commented 2 years ago

Are we in a deadlock here? I'm waiting for a response on the interposition thing, maybe you're also waiting for something?

Sorry, I'm low on free time lately. I don't love the approach taken for the tests here, and my plan is to sit down one night and try to re-work it. Maybe I won't come up with anything better than what you already have; or maybe it will lead to a larger refactor/change.

LBPHacker commented 2 years ago

Alright, noted. Excuse the poking, I was just trying to make sure I hadn't derailed some sort of 'workflow' by leaving a review comment or something.