daurnimator / lua-http

HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.
MIT License
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HTTPS server - sslv3 alert certificate unknown #212

Closed LeRatierBretonnien closed 10 months ago

LeRatierBretonnien commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am trying to setup a very simple HTTPS server,with self-signed certificate. I use the following init code :

local http_server = require "http.server"
local app_server = http_server.listen {
    host = ""
    port = 34000;
    tls = true;    
    onstream = ProcessRequest;

ProcessRequest is a simple function that returns a "Hello world".

But when I point my browser to , I get the following error :

lua_scripts/libraries/lua-http/http/server.lua:184: wrap: starttls: error:0A000416:SSL routines::sslv3 alert certificate unknown        nil

As far as I can see, the TLS ctx is dynamically created in server.lua, and seems OK. What am I doing wrong ? As a side questions, is there a full working example of an HTTPS server somewhere ?

Thanks !

daurnimator commented 1 year ago

But when I point my browser to , I get the following error :

lua_scripts/libraries/lua-http/http/server.lua:184: wrap: starttls: error:0A000416:SSL routines::sslv3 alert certificate unknown        nil

That's the client refusing the self-signed certificate (as it should).

But indeed there seems to be a bug here in that the error isn't caught in the right place.

LeRatierBretonnien commented 1 year ago

Thanks, yes, of course the client is refusing the certficate, and request a end-user action to accept it, as usual with self-signed certificate.

But it should not break the server anyway : do you have a idea of the fix on the server side ?

Thanks !

daurnimator commented 1 year ago

do you have a idea of the fix on the server side ?

Maybe something like:

app_server:onerror(function(_, context, op, err, errno)
    local msg = op
    if err then
        msg = msg .. ": " .. tostring(err)
    if op == "wrap" then
        -- Just print error rather than throwing
        error(msg, 2)
LeRatierBretonnien commented 1 year ago

It works, thanks !

LeRatierBretonnien commented 10 months ago

Fixed by comment