Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.ClassCastException: com.vmware.vim25.NasDatastoreInfo cannot be cast to com.vmware.vim25.VmfsDatastoreInfo
at net.djarvur.vmbix.VmBix$Connection.getDatastores(Unknown Source)
at net.djarvur.vmbix.VmBix$Connection.checkAllPatterns(Unknown Source)
at net.djarvur.vmbix.VmBix$Connection.run(Unknown Source)
Using vSphere Perl SDK I can see that a Datastore Object has a Property 'summary' of type 'DatastoreSummary'. It has a field named 'type' which can have a value which is not 'VMFS'.
In my case it is 'NFS'. Maybe this can help you.
zabbix_get -s -p 12053 -k 'datastore.discovery'
Using vSphere Perl SDK I can see that a Datastore Object has a Property 'summary' of type 'DatastoreSummary'. It has a field named 'type' which can have a value which is not 'VMFS'. In my case it is 'NFS'. Maybe this can help you.