dav3860 / vmbix

Fork of vmbix, a TCP proxy for querying a VMWare infrastucture with Zabbix
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cache ttl #45

Open kcwhite1 opened 7 years ago

kcwhite1 commented 7 years ago

Hi, just have a question regarding the cache ttl and if there is any risk or possible issues if these ttl values are pushed out? With the default values I’m seen huge network spikes even 15 or so minutes, sometimes in the excess of 100 – 200 Mbps. I am only pulling stats for about 300 VMs on 6 items. I have also noticed that if I give access to the service account used by VmBix to the whole vCenter environment the bandwidth is really high. It’s a fairly large environment with over 2000 VMs, so I have found only giving it access to the folder of interest has reduced the network usage, but then I’m unable to get items like CPU Freq. Is the extra bandwidth used a result of other hosts etc been cached?