davatorium / rofi

Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
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[Bug] Breaks with a custom theme #1657

Closed RaptaG closed 2 years ago

RaptaG commented 2 years ago

Rofi version (rofi -v)



I used this YouTube tutoral

Launch command


Step to reproduce

Follow the tutorial provided above

Expected behavior

It should look like this: https://youtu.be/uvvoJU69uNo?t=1217

Actual behavior

It looks like this: image

Additional information

Screen resolution 1366x768

DaveDavenport commented 2 years ago

Please provide the requested information

RaptaG commented 2 years ago

Please provide the requested information

Could please guide me? What information is missing?

DaveDavenport commented 2 years ago

The ones asked for when creating the issue. If I have the configs I can test things, now I cannot.

RaptaG commented 2 years ago

The ones asked for when creating the issue. If I have the configs I can test things, now I cannot.

Ok then, here you are: https://gist.github.com/RaptaG/c7f4cc29e32db24541e11592761ce9e4

DaveDavenport commented 2 years ago

That is still missing some of the requested information, but enough for me to see that this is not a bug. That theme is outdated and has broken internal links. I did a quick fix:

 * Author  : Aditya Shakya
 * Mail    : adi1090x@gmail.com
 * Github  : @adi1090x
 * Twitter : @adi1090x

configuration {
    font:                           "Noto Sans Bold 10";
    show-icons:                     true;
    icon-theme:                     "WhiteSur-dark";
    display-drun:                   "";
    drun-display-format:            "{name}";
    disable-history:                false;
    fullscreen:                     true;
    hide-scrollbar:                 true;
    sidebar-mode:                   false;

* {
    background:                     #00000060;
    background-alt:                 #00000000;
    background-bar:                 #f2f2f215;
    foreground:                     #f2f2f2EE;
    accent:                         #ffffff66;

window {
    transparency:                   "real";
    background-color:               @background;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    border:                         0px;
    //border-color:                 @border;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    fullscreen: true;

prompt {
    enabled:                        true;
    padding:                        0.30% 1% 0% -0.5%;
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    font:                           "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font 12";

entry {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    placeholder-color:              @foreground;
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0;
    placeholder:                    "Search";
    padding:                        0.10% 0% 0% 0%;
    blink:                          true;

inputbar {
    children:                       [ prompt, entry ];
    background-color:               @background-bar;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    expand:                         false;
    border:                         0.1%;
    border-radius:                  6px;
    border-color:                   @accent;
    margin:                         0% 30% 0% 30%;
    padding:                        1%;

listview {
  expand: true;
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    columns:                        8;
    lines:                          4;
    spacing:                        2%;
    cycle:                          false;
    dynamic:                        true;
    layout:                         vertical;

mainbox {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    border:                         0% 0% 0% 0%;
    border-radius:                  0% 0% 0% 0%;
    border-color:                   @accent;
    children:                       [ inputbar, listview ];
    spacing:                        8%;
    padding:                        10% 8.5% 10% 8.5%;

element {
    background-color:               @background-alt;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    orientation:                    vertical;
    border-radius:                  0%;
    padding:                        2.5% 0% 2.5% 0%;

element-icon {
    size:                           52px;
    border:                         0px;

element-text {
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0.5;
    vertical-align:                 0.5;
    margin:                         0.5% 0.5% -0.5% 0.5%;

element selected {
    background-color:               @background-bar;
    text-color:                     @foreground;
    border:                         0% 0% 0% 0%;
    border-radius:                  12px;
    border-color:                   @accent;
element-text, element-icon {
    background-color: transparent;
    text-color:       inherit;
RaptaG commented 2 years ago

It worked, thanks a TON!

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.