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Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
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Add ability to run command with sudo #584

Closed jparsert closed 6 years ago

jparsert commented 7 years ago

Bascially what the title says. It would be grate to be able to run a program with sudo.

DaveDavenport commented 7 years ago

sudo won't work. as you need to enter a password. I will add a binding that you can setup a custom command accomplishing this, f.e. bind a key to run 'gksudo {cmd}'.

jksf commented 7 years ago

For anyone interested here is i3wm binding example:

bindsym $mod+Shift+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show drun -run-command 'gksudo {cmd}'"

or more generally:

rofi -show drun -run-command 'gksudo {cmd}'
DaveDavenport commented 6 years ago

Thinking about it, and talking it over. I think @jstefanski is the best/cleanest solution.


@jstefanski : Thanks.

ivanbartsov commented 6 years ago

Thought I'd necrobump this: there's a way to do this without gksudo using rofi for password input. sudo itself has a -A option that makes it pipe the prompt and take the pass from stdout of whatever is in the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable.

So, we make a rofi-powered askpass script, say ~/bin/askpass-rofi:


# Take password prompt from STDIN, print password to STDOUT
# the sed piece just removes the colon from the provided
# prompt: rofi -p already gives us a colon
rofi -dmenu \
    -password \
    -no-fixed-num-lines \
    -p "$(printf "$1" | sed s/://)"

Then to run something as root, we do:

SUDO_ASKPASS=~/bin/askpass-rofi rofi -show drun -run-command "sudo -A {cmd}"

This is probably something to bind to a "run as root" hotkey in your DE.

Alternatively, you could just add the environment variable to your usual rofi binding (mine is ALT+F2)

SUDO_ASKPASS=~/bin/askpass-rofi rofi -show run

and just type sudo -A YOUR_COMMAND each time you want to sudo something -- this way the whole ritual is very similar to what you usually do on the commandline.

PS @DaveDavenport, this could be put into the FAQ section of the wiki, not sure how frequent this topic is :)

jazoom commented 4 years ago

For anyone interested here is i3wm binding example:

bindsym $mod+Shift+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show drun -run-command 'gksudo {cmd}'"

or more generally:

rofi -show drun -run-command 'gksudo {cmd}'

For anyone in the future who is confused why this doesn't work via sxhkd, it's because sxhkd strips out the {}. Escaping them seems to work:

rofi -show drun -run-command 'gksudo \{cmd\}'

astrolemonade commented 4 years ago

Thought I'd necrobump this: there's a way to do this without gksudo using rofi for password input. sudo itself has a -A option that makes it pipe the prompt and take the pass from stdout of whatever is in the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable.

So, we make a rofi-powered askpass script, say ~/bin/askpass-rofi:


# Take password prompt from STDIN, print password to STDOUT
# the sed piece just removes the colon from the provided
# prompt: rofi -p already gives us a colon
rofi -dmenu \
  -password \
  -no-fixed-num-lines \
  -p "$(printf "$1" | sed s/://)"

Then to run something as root, we do:

SUDO_ASKPASS=~/bin/askpass-rofi rofi -show drun -run-command "sudo -A {cmd}"

This is probably something to bind to a "run as root" hotkey in your DE.

Alternatively, you could just add the environment variable to your usual rofi binding (mine is ALT+F2)

SUDO_ASKPASS=~/bin/askpass-rofi rofi -show run

and just type sudo -A YOUR_COMMAND each time you want to sudo something -- this way the whole ritual is very similar to what you usually do on the commandline.

PS @DaveDavenport, this could be put into the FAQ section of the wiki, not sure how frequent this topic is :)

This is not working ! The rofi menu doesn't even show,can you be more clear about this setup ?