davatorium / rofi

Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
13.07k stars 608 forks source link

Fuzzy search needs improvements #614

Closed jpsala closed 7 years ago

jpsala commented 7 years ago

Version 1.3.1


rofi usage: rofi [-options ...]

Command line only options: -no-config Do not load configuration, use default values. -v,-version Print the version number and exit. -dmenu Start in dmenu mode. -display [string] X server to contact. ${DISPLAY} -h,-help This help message. -dump-xresources Dump the current configuration in Xresources format and exit. -dump-xresources-theme Dump the current color scheme in Xresources format and exit. -e [string] Show a dialog displaying the passed message and exit. -markup Enable pango markup where possible. -normal-window In dmenu mode, behave as a normal window. (experimental) -show [mode] Show the mode 'mode' and exit. The mode has to be enabled. -lazy-grab When fail to grab keyboard, don't block but retry later. DMENU command line options: -mesg [string] Print a small user message under the prompt (uses pango markup) -p [string] Prompt to display left of entry field -selected-row [integer] Select row -format [string] Output format string s -u [list] List of row indexes to mark urgent -a [list] List of row indexes to mark active -l [integer] Number of rows to display -i Set filter to be case insensitive -only-match Force selection or custom entry -no-custom Don't accept custom entry -select [string] Select the first row that matches -password Do not show what the user inputs. Show '*' instead. -markup-rows Allow and render pango markup as input data. -sep [char] Element separator. '\n' -input [filename] Read input from file instead from standard input. -sync Force dmenu to first read all input data, then show dialog. Global options: -modi [string] Enabled modi window,run,ssh (Default) -width [number] Window width 50 (Default) -lines [number] Number of lines 15 (Default) -columns [number] Number of columns 1 (Default) -font [string] Font to use mono 12 (Default) -color-normal [string] Color scheme for normal row

fdf6e3,#002b36,#eee8d5,#586e75,#eee8d5 (Default)

-color-urgent [string]                  Color scheme for urgent row
#fdf6e3,#dc322f,#eee8d5,#dc322f,#fdf6e3 (Default)
-color-active [string]                  Color scheme for active row
#fdf6e3,#268bd2,#eee8d5,#268bd2,#fdf6e3 (Default)
-color-window [string]                  Color scheme window
#fdf6e3,#002b36 (Default)
-bw [number]                            Border width
1 (Default)
-location [number]                      Location on screen
0 (Default)
-padding [number]                       Padding
5 (Default)
-yoffset [number]                       Y-offset relative to location
0 (Default)
-xoffset [number]                       X-offset relative to location
0 (Default)
-[no-]fixed-num-lines                   Always show number of lines
True (Default)
-terminal [string]                      Terminal to use
rofi-sensible-terminal (Default)
-ssh-client [string]                    Ssh client to use
ssh (Default)
-ssh-command [string]                   Ssh command to execute
{terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host} (Default)
-run-command [string]                   Run command to execute
{cmd} (Default)
-run-list-command [string]              Command to get extra run targets
-run-shell-command [string]             Run command to execute that runs in shell
{terminal} -e {cmd} (Default)
-window-command [string]                Command executed on accep-entry-custom for window modus
xkill -id {window} (Default)
-[no-]disable-history                   Disable history in run/ssh
False (Default)
-[no-]levenshtein-sort                  Use levenshtein sorting
False (Default)
-[no-]case-sensitive                    Set case-sensitivity
False (Default)
-[no-]cycle                             Cycle through the results list
True (Default)
-[no-]sidebar-mode                      Enable sidebar-mode
False (Default)
-eh [number]                            Row height (in chars)
1 (Default)
-[no-]auto-select                       Enable auto select mode
False (Default)
-[no-]parse-hosts                       Parse hosts file for ssh mode
False (Default)
-[no-]parse-known-hosts                 Parse known_hosts file for ssh mode
True (Default)
-combi-modi [string]                    Set the modi to combine in combi mode
window,run (Default)
-matching [string]                      Set the matching algorithm. (normal, regex, glob, fuzzy)
normal (Default)
-[no-]tokenize                          Tokenize input string
True (Default)
-m [string]                             Monitor id to show on
-5 (Default)
-line-margin [number]                   Margin between rows
2 (Default)
-line-padding [number]                  Padding within rows
1 (Default)
-filter [string]                        Pre-set filter
(unset) (Default)
-separator-style [string]               Separator style (none, dash, solid)
dash (Default)
-[no-]hide-scrollbar                    Hide scroll-bar
False (Default)
-[no-]fullscreen                        Fullscreen
False (Default)
-[no-]fake-transparency                 Fake transparency
False (Default)
-dpi [number]                           DPI
-1 (Default)
-threads [number]                       Threads to use for string matching
0 (Default)
-scrollbar-width [number]               Scrollbar width
8 (Default)
-scroll-method [number]                 Scrolling method. (0: Page, 1: Centered)
0 (Default)
-fake-background [string]               Background to use for fake transparency. (background or screenshot)
screenshot (Default)
-window-format [string]                 Window Format. w (desktop name), t (title), n (name), r (role), c (class)
{w}   {c}   {t} (Default)
-[no-]click-to-exit                     Click outside the window to exit
True (Default)
-[no-]show-match                        Indicate how it match by underlining it.
True (Default)
-pid [string]                           Pidfile location
/run/user/1000/rofi.pid (Default)
-kb-primary-paste [string]              Paste primary selection
Control+V,Shift+Insert (Default)
-kb-secondary-paste [string]            Paste clipboard
Control+v,Insert (Default)
-kb-clear-line [string]                 Clear input line
Control+w (Default)
-kb-move-front [string]                 Beginning of line
Control+a (Default)
-kb-move-end [string]                   End of line
Control+e (Default)
-kb-move-word-back [string]             Move back one word
Alt+b (Default)
-kb-move-word-forward [string]          Move forward one word
Alt+f (Default)
-kb-move-char-back [string]             Move back one char
Left,Control+b (Default)
-kb-move-char-forward [string]          Move forward one char
Right,Control+f (Default)
-kb-remove-word-back [string]           Delete previous word
Control+Alt+h,Control+BackSpace (Default)
-kb-remove-word-forward [string]        Delete next word
Control+Alt+d (Default)
-kb-remove-char-forward [string]        Delete next char
Delete,Control+d (Default)
-kb-remove-char-back [string]           Delete previous char
BackSpace,Control+h (Default)
-kb-remove-to-eol [string]              Delete till the end of line
Control+k (Default)
-kb-remove-to-sol [string]              Delete till the start of line
Control+u (Default)
-kb-accept-entry [string]               Accept entry
Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter (Default)
-kb-accept-custom [string]              Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi)
Control+Return (Default)
-kb-accept-alt [string]                 Use alternate accept command.
Shift+Return (Default)
-kb-delete-entry [string]               Delete entry from history
Shift+Delete (Default)
-kb-mode-next [string]                  Switch to the next mode.
Shift+Right,Control+Tab (Default)
-kb-mode-previous [string]              Switch to the previous mode.
Shift+Left,Control+Shift+Tab (Default)
-kb-row-left [string]                   Go to the previous column
Control+Page_Up (Default)
-kb-row-right [string]                  Go to the next column
Control+Page_Down (Default)
-kb-row-up [string]                     Select previous entry
Up,Control+p,Shift+Tab,Shift+ISO_Left_Tab (Default)
-kb-row-down [string]                   Select next entry
Down,Control+n (Default)
-kb-row-tab [string]                    Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode.
Tab (Default)
-kb-page-prev [string]                  Go to the previous page
Page_Up (Default)
-kb-page-next [string]                  Go to the next page
Page_Down (Default)
-kb-row-first [string]                  Go to the first entry
Home,KP_Home (Default)
-kb-row-last [string]                   Go to the last entry
End,KP_End (Default)
-kb-row-select [string]                 Set selected item as input text
Control+space (Default)
-kb-screenshot [string]                 Take a screenshot of the rofi window
Alt+S (Default)
-kb-toggle-case-sensitivity [string]    Toggle case sensitivity
grave,dead_grave (Default)
-kb-toggle-sort [string]                Toggle sort
Alt+grave (Default)
-kb-cancel [string]                     Quit rofi
Escape,Control+g,Control+bracketleft (Default)
-kb-custom-1 [string]                   Custom keybinding 1
Alt+1 (Default)
-kb-custom-2 [string]                   Custom keybinding 2
Alt+2 (Default)
-kb-custom-3 [string]                   Custom keybinding 3
Alt+3 (Default)
-kb-custom-4 [string]                   Custom keybinding 4
Alt+4 (Default)
-kb-custom-5 [string]                   Custom Keybinding 5
Alt+5 (Default)
-kb-custom-6 [string]                   Custom keybinding 6
Alt+6 (Default)
-kb-custom-7 [string]                   Custom Keybinding 7
Alt+7 (Default)
-kb-custom-8 [string]                   Custom keybinding 8
Alt+8 (Default)
-kb-custom-9 [string]                   Custom keybinding 9
Alt+9 (Default)
-kb-custom-10 [string]                  Custom keybinding 10
Alt+0 (Default)
-kb-custom-11 [string]                  Custom keybinding 11
Alt+exclam (Default)
-kb-custom-12 [string]                  Custom keybinding 12
Alt+at (Default)
-kb-custom-13 [string]                  Csutom keybinding 13
Alt+numbersign (Default)
-kb-custom-14 [string]                  Custom keybinding 14
Alt+dollar (Default)
-kb-custom-15 [string]                  Custom keybinding 15
Alt+percent (Default)
-kb-custom-16 [string]                  Custom keybinding 16
Alt+dead_circumflex (Default)
-kb-custom-17 [string]                  Custom keybinding 17
Alt+ampersand (Default)
-kb-custom-18 [string]                  Custom keybinding 18
Alt+asterisk (Default)
-kb-custom-19 [string]                  Custom Keybinding 19
Alt+parenleft (Default)
-display-ssh [string]                   The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)
-display-run [string]                   The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)
-display-drun [string]                  The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)
-display-window [string]                The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)
-display-windowcd [string]              The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)
-display-combi [string]                 The display name of this browser
(unset) (Default)

Monitor layout: ID: 0 (primary) name: VGA-1 position: 0,0 size: 1920,1080

Compile time options:

For more information see: man rofi Version: 1.3.1 Bugreports: https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/ Support: https://forum.qtools.org/

rofi @ freenode.net

  Configuration file: /home/jpsala/.config/rofi/config

Launch Command

rofi -matching fuzzy -show run -lines 5 -width 20 -sidebar-mode -padding 5 -line-margin 1 -bw 2 -eh 2 -width 40 -padding 5 -opacity "55" -bw 1 -bc "#0087af" -bg "#0087af" -fg "#ffffff" -hlbg "$bg-color" -hlfg "#3A3A3A" -font "System San Francisco Display 14"

Steps to reproduce

type some and the results are not optimally filtered, it seems :)

What behaviour you see

What behaviour you expect to see

DaveDavenport commented 7 years ago

Related to #480 and PR #533 .

Did you enable sorting, levenshtein sort should solve this..

jpsala commented 7 years ago

Didn't investigate, sorry, I'll try your advice, thanks a lot

jpsala commented 7 years ago

That did it, thanks again!

DaveDavenport commented 7 years ago

Good that it works. The next release will have support for fzf algorithm for sorting (when doing fuzzy matching).

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.