davdroman / Bohr

Settings screen composing framework
MIT License
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About the datePicker.datePickerMode #27

Open liuyan3176 opened 8 years ago

liuyan3176 commented 8 years ago

Hi David, Thanks for your Bohr,it help me a lot in my project. But now I have to change the datePicker.datePickerMode=UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime, When I scroll the datePicker at today,the project will crash and the log is in the following: * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'CALayerInvalidGeometry', reason: 'CALayer position contains NaN: [nan nan]' * Can you help me and tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks a lot.

davdroman commented 8 years ago

Hi there!

Thanks for reporting that! It's a known issue and I'll try to address it in the future 4.0 release. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the way cells calculate their height based on their elements (UIPickerView is a super heavy element layout-wise, especially in DateAndTime mode).

liuyan3176 commented 8 years ago

@DavdRoman Thanks a lot !

Steven4294 commented 8 years ago

any luck fixing this?

davdroman commented 8 years ago

@Steven4294 not really, I haven't been able to work on Bohr anymore since I'm quite busy. However I encourage you to look into it and PR a fix for this if you'd like 😄