dave3d / dicom2stl

Python script to extract a STL surface from a DICOM image series.
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Dicom to stl Conversion #1

Closed HimajaKanampalli closed 7 years ago

HimajaKanampalli commented 9 years ago

Thank you for making the dicom2stl.py But I am facing some issues while converting entire dicom directory or zip file. Single image is converting to stl format, but not entire directory.

Error: Reading Dicom zip file: Dicom.zip Error: no series foundctory.

Error: Traceback (most recent call last):ctory.

Error: File "dicom2stl.py", line 257, in img, modality = loadZipDicom( fname[0] ) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

How to load entire dicom directory (or) zip format for conversion.(Dicom to stl)? What is the commandline for this conversion?

dave3d commented 9 years ago

The script is not finding a DICOM series in the zip file you give it. It is expecting all the slice images to end with the ".dcm" suffix. I know that many systems do not use ".dcm", but we had to do that to make it practical for our uses.

Once the zip is scanned for ".dcm" file names, these names are used by SimpleITK's ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesIDs to scan for DICOM Series IDs in the images.

So the zip you pass it might not be using ".dcm" for the file names. Or, if you are, the script might not be finding SeriesIDs in the DICOM headers.

If you send me an example of your DICOM zip, I can try and figure out the problem.

HimajaKanampalli commented 9 years ago

Sorry for late reply. Can you please explain how to use ,which dicom data to load. Right now I am not clear about this. Can you please try it with some dicom data and python script? I don't have proper data , may be thats why I am facing issues. Can you please help me to solve this issue?

(OR) If you any other ways to convert dicom directory to stl format using Slicer code, that is also fine. Some thing like : using CLI modules

Please find the below python script

! /usr/bin/env vtkpython

Script to take a Dicom series and generate an STL surface mesh.

Written by David T. Chen from the National Library of Medicine, dchen@mail.nih.gov.

it is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0;


Note: if you run this script with the individual Dicom slices provided on the

Note: if you run this script with the individual Dicom slices provided on the command line, they might not be ordered in thecorrect order, You are better off providing a zip file or a directory. Dicom slices are not necessarily ordered the same alphabetically as they are physically.

import sys, os, zipfile, tempfile, getopt, math, time, gc, glob

Global variables

verbose = 0 debug = 0 zipFlag = False dicomString = "" cleanUp = False tempDir = "" dirFlag = False isovalue = 0 CTonly = False doubleThreshold = False thresholds = [] tissueType = "" shrinkFlag = True smoothIterations = 25 quad = .90 outname = "result.stl" connectivityFilter = False anisotropicSmoothing = False medianFilter = False metadataFile = "" modality = "" rotFlag = False rotAxis = 1 rotAngle = 180 options = [] def usage(): print print ("dicom2stl.py: [options] dicom.zip") print (" or") print ("dicom2stl.py: [options] volume_image") print (" or") print ("dicom2stl.py: [options] slice1 ... sliceN") print (" or") print ("dicom2stl.py: [options] dicom_directory") print print (" -h, --help This help message") print (" -v, --verbose Verbose output") print (" -D, --debug Debug mode") print print (" -o string Output file name (default=result.stl)") print (" -m string Metadata file name (default=\"\")") print (" --ct Only allow CT images") print (" -c, --clean Clean up temp files") print (" -T string, --temp string Directory to place temporary files") print (" -s string, --search string Dicom series search string") print print (" Volume processing options") print (" -t string, --type string CT Tissue type [skin, bone, soft_tissue, fat]") print (" -a, --anisotropic Apply anisotropic smoothing to the volume") print (" -i num, --isovalue num Iso-surface value") print (" -d string, --double string Double threshold with 4 values in a string seperated by semicolons") print print (" Mesh options") print (" -l, --largest Keep only the largest connected mesh") print (" --rotaxis int Rotation axis (default=1, Y-axis)") print (" --rotangle float Rotation angle (default=180 degrees)") print print (" Enable/Disable various filtering options") print (" --disable string Disable an option [anisotropic, shrink, median, largest, rotation]") print (" --enable string Enable an option [anisotropic, shrink, median, largest, rotation]")

Parse the command line arguments

try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vDhacli:s:t:d:o:m:T:", [ "verbose", "help", "debug", "anisotropic", "clean", "ct", "isovalue=", "search=", "type=", "double=", "disable=", "enable=", "largest", "metadata", "rotaxis=", "rotangle=", "temp=" ] ) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print (str(err)) usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = verbose + 1 elif o in ("-D", "--debug"): print "Debug" debug = debug + 1 cleanFlag = False elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-c", "--clean"): cleanUp = True elif o in ("-T", "--temp"): tempDir = a elif o in ("-a", "--anisotropic"): anisotropicSmoothing = True elif o in ("-i", "--isovalue"): isovalue = float(a) elif o in ("--ct"): CTonly = True elif o in ("-l", "--largest"): connectivityFilter = True elif o in ("-s", "--search"): dicomString = a elif o in ("-t", "--type"): tissueType = a doubleThreshold = True elif o in ("-o", "--output"): outname = a elif o in ("-m", "--metadata"): metadataFile = a elif o in ("-d", "--double"): vals = a.split(';') for v in vals: thresholds.append(float(v)) thresholds.sort() doubleThreshold = True elif o in ("--rotaxis"): rotAxis = int(a) elif o in ("--rotangle"): rotAngle = float(a) elif o in ("--disable"): options.append("no"+a) elif o in ("--enable"): options.append(a) else: assert False, "unhandled options"

Handle enable/disable options

for x in options: val = True y = x if x[:2] == "no": val = False y = x[2:] if y.startswith("shrink"): shrinkFlag = val if y.startswith("aniso"): anisotropicSmoothing = val if y.startswith("median"): medianFilter = val if y.startswith("large"): connectivityFilter = val if y.startswith("rotat"): rotFlag = val print if tempDir == "": tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print "Temp dir: ", tempDir

if tissueType:

Convert tissue type name to threshold values

print "Tissue type: ", tissueType
if tissueType.find("bone") > -1:
    thresholds = [200., 800., 1300., 1500.]
elif tissueType.find("skin") > -1:
    thresholds = [-200., 0., 500., 1500.]
elif tissueType.find("soft") > -1:
    thresholds = [-15., 30., 58., 100.]
    medianFilter = True
elif tissueType.find("fat") > -1:
    thresholds = [-122., -112., -96., -70.]
    medianFilter = True

if doubleThreshold:

check that there are 4 threshold values.

print "Thresholds: ", thresholds if len(thresholds) != 4: print "Error: Threshold is not of size 4.", thresholds sys.exit(3) else: print "Isovalue = ", isovalue fname = args if len(fname) == 0: print "Error: no input given." sys.exit(4) if zipfile.is_zipfile(fname[0]): zipFlag = True if os.path.isdir(fname[0]): dirFlag = True else: l = len(fname) if l>1: print "File names: ", fname[0], fname[1], "...", fname[l-1], "\n" else: print "File names: ", fname, "\n" import SimpleITK as sitk if debug: print "SimpleITK version: ", sitk.Version.VersionString() print "SimpleITK: ", sitk, "\n" img = sitk.Image( 100,100,100, sitk.sitkUInt8 ) dcmnames = [] metasrc = img import dicomutils

Unzip a zip file of dicom images into a temp directory, then load the series that has the most slices.

def loadZipDicom(name): print "Reading Dicom zip file:", name myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(name, 'r') try: myzip.extractall(tempDir) except: print "Zip extract failed"

return dicomutils.loadLargestSeries(tempDir)

Load our Dicom data

if zipFlag:

Case for a zip file of images

if verbose:
    print "zip"
img, modality = loadZipDicom( fname[0] )

else: if dirFlag: if verbose: print "directory" img, modality = dicomutils.loadLargestSeries( fname[0] )

    # Case for a single volume image
    if len(fname) == 1:
        if verbose:
            print "Reading volume: ", fname[0]
        img = sitk.ReadImage( fname[0] )
        modality = dicomutils.getModality(img)

    # Case for a series of image files
        if verbose:
            if verbose>1:
                print "Reading images: ", fname
                l = len(fname)
                print "Reading images: ", fname[0], fname[1], "...", fname[l-1]
        isr = sitk.ImageSeriesReader()
        img = isr.Execute()
        firstslice = sitk.ReadImage( fname[0] )
        modality = dicomutils.getModality(firstslice)

if CTonly and ( (sitk.Version.MinorVersion()>8) or (sitk.Version.MajorVersion()>0) ):

# Check the metadata for CT image type. Note that this only works with SimpleITK version 0.8.0 or later .For earlier versions there is no GetMetaDataKeys method
if modality.find("CT") == -1:
    print "Imaging modality is not CT.  Exiting."

vtkname = tempDir+"/vol0.vtk"

sitk.WriteImage( img, vtkname )

def roundThousand(x): y = int(1000.0x+0.5) return str(float(y) .001) def elapsedTime(start_time): dt = roundThousand(time.clock()-start_time) print " ", dt, "seconds"

Write out the metadata text file.

if len(metadataFile): FP = open(metadataFile, "w") size = img.GetSize() spacing = img.GetSpacing() FP.write('xdimension ' + str(size[0]) + '\n') FP.write('ydimension ' + str(size[1]) + '\n') FP.write('zdimension ' + str(size[2]) + '\n') FP.write('xspacing ' + roundThousand(spacing[0]) + '\n') FP.write('yspacing ' + roundThousand(spacing[1]) + '\n') FP.write('zspacing ' + roundThousand(spacing[2]) + '\n') FP.close()

shrink the volume to 256 cubed

if shrinkFlag: sfactor = [] size = img.GetSize() sum = 0 for s in size: x = int(math.ceil(s/256.0)) sfactor.append( x ) sum = sum + x if sum>3:

if sum==3, no shrink happens

    t = time.clock()
    print "Shrink factors: ", sfactor
    img = sitk.Shrink(img, sfactor)
    newsize = img.GetSize()
    print size, "->", newsize


Apply anisotropic smoothing to the volume image. That's a smoothing filter that preserves edges.

if anisotropicSmoothing: print "Anisotropic Smoothing" t = time.clock() pixelType = img.GetPixelID() img = sitk.Cast(img, sitk.sitkFloat32) img = sitk.CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion(img, .03) img = sitk.Cast(img, pixelType) elapsedTime(t) gc.collect()

Apply the double threshold filter to the volume.

if doubleThreshold: print "Double Threshold" t = time.clock() img = sitk.DoubleThreshold(img, thresholds[0], thresholds[1], thresholds[2], thresholds[3], 255, 0) isovalue = 64.0 elapsedTime(t) gc.collect()

Apply a 3x3x1 median filter. I only use 1 in the Z direction so it's not so slow.

if medianFilter: print "Median filter" t = time.clock() img = sitk.Median(img, [3,3,1]) elapsedTime(t) gc.collect()

Pad black to the boundaries of the image

pad = [5,5,5] img = sitk.ConstantPad(img, pad, pad) gc.collect() if verbose: print "\nImage for isocontouring" print img.GetSize() print img.GetPixelIDTypeAsString() print img.GetSpacing() print img.GetOrigin() if verbose>1: print img print

vtkname = tempDir+"/vol.vtk"

sitk.WriteImage( img, vtkname )

import sitk2vtk vtkimg = sitk2vtk.sitk2vtk(img) img = None gc.collect() import traceback, vtk if debug: print "\nVTK version: ", vtk.vtkVersion.GetVTKVersion() print "VTK: ", vtk, "\n" import vtkutils mesh = vtkutils.extractSurface(vtkimg, isovalue) vtkimg = None gc.collect() mesh2 = vtkutils.cleanMesh(mesh, connectivityFilter) mesh = None gc.collect() mesh3 = vtkutils.smoothMesh(mesh2, smoothIterations) mesh2 = None gc.collect() mesh4 = vtkutils.reduceMesh(mesh3, quad) mesh3 = None gc.collect() if rotFlag: mesh5 = vtkutils.rotateMesh(mesh4, rotAxis, rotAngle) else: mesh5 = mesh4 vtkutils.writeMesh(mesh5, outname) mesh4 = None gc.collect()

remove the temp directory

import shutil if cleanUp: shutil.rmtree(tempDir)

dave3d commented 9 years ago

Each of the image files in the DICOM folder has to end with the ".dcm" suffix. The example I test the script on is the PELVIX data set on Osirix's web page. Download it and try running the script on that data set.


HimajaKanampalli commented 9 years ago

Thank You. I will try and let you know.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Dave Chen notifications@github.com wrote:

Each of the image files in the DICOM folder has to end with the ".dcm" suffix. The example I test the script on is the PELVIX data set on Osirix's web page. Download it and try running the script on that data set.


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/dave3d/dicom2stl/issues/1#issuecomment-133444048.

poia69 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I found a DICOM to STL conversion service al www.armorbionics.com

Sachingit1389 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for making dicom2stl.py but i got some issues guys please help me solve this error How to solve this error ? Not getting whats going wrong?Why this AttributeError is coming?

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sachin>python C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sachin\dicom2stl.py dicom.zip Temp dir: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpknar9hfu Isovalue = 0 File names: ['dicom.zip']

Reading Dicom zip file: dicom.zip 1.76.380.18.10.5944.11594.2.1 C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpknar9hfu\Dicomm 483

Loading series 1.76.380.18.10.5944.11594.2.1 in directory C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpknar9hfu\Dicomm Shrink factors: [2, 2, 2] (498, 484, 483) -> (249, 242, 241) 0.093 seconds Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sachin\dicom2stl.py", line 398, in import sitk2vtk File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sachin\sitk2vtk.py", line 22, in pixelmap = { sitk.sitkUInt8: vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR, sitk.sitkInt8: vtk.VTK_CHAR, AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR'

Why this AttributeError is coming?