davebalmer / jo

Jo (0.5.0) is a thin (~16K) candy shell for making HTML5 apps. Jo works with: PhoneGap, Chrome, Safari, Opera, FireFox, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, & Windows Phone 8+. Features include skinnable UI widgets, a clean event model and a light data layer.
MIT License
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CSS styling for webOS #33

Closed kmpatel closed 13 years ago

kmpatel commented 13 years ago

I'm trying to use jo for webOS app development. I had some problems with misaligned CSS styling. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I found the fix for this problem:

I found that the following styling, on all elements, needs to be added to fix it:

"background-origin: border-box; "

however, it was sufficient to add it to the global, joElement styling (right after the body styling) PLUS adding it to the styling of "jotoggle > * "

also, jopopup is missing in the global joElement styling list

davebalmer commented 13 years ago

Ooh nice, I'll get that in there. Thanks!

davebalmer commented 13 years ago

Looking much better now in webOS, especially using jo2.css (use until we get the CSS reorganized).