davebalmer / jo

Jo (0.5.0) is a thin (~16K) candy shell for making HTML5 apps. Jo works with: PhoneGap, Chrome, Safari, Opera, FireFox, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, & Windows Phone 8+. Features include skinnable UI widgets, a clean event model and a light data layer.
MIT License
1.2k stars 180 forks source link

joScroller snapBack fixes #44

Open tiqtech opened 12 years ago

tiqtech commented 12 years ago

joScroller had some odd behavior, at least with a horizontal scroller. If you flicked multiple times, the snapBack timer would be set multiple times so the scroller would jump after the delay. Also, the positioning was off for snapBack as the contents would snap to the wrong side sporadically.

Note, this pull request depends on the joDefer request I sent a bit ago. Would have sent them together if I knew what I was doing in git.