davebalmer / jo

Jo (0.5.0) is a thin (~16K) candy shell for making HTML5 apps. Jo works with: PhoneGap, Chrome, Safari, Opera, FireFox, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, & Windows Phone 8+. Features include skinnable UI widgets, a clean event model and a light data layer.
MIT License
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Bug: only last joFooter is ok, others are emplty #65

Open murich opened 11 years ago

murich commented 11 years ago

For example, I have an object with elements - here I am making exemplars of elements and subscribe for theirs events. var tabBar = new joTabBar([ {label: ' Account'},
{label: ' Settings'} no settings page yet ]); var elements = { 'mainPageFooter' : new joFooter(tabBar), 'anotherPageFooter' : new joFooter([someButton, tabBar]), };

Now if I willpush joCard which contains elements['anotherPageFooter' ] to stack- allwill be ok. But if I will am push joCard with mainPageFooter the joFooter element will be empty.

same problem when using stack.pop() - previous pages have empty joFooter. So last joFooter rendering empty joFooters which created before.