davebalmer / joDoc

Simple, open-ended JavaScript source documentation system based on markdown. joDoc rev 1.0.1 is available. Check Wiki page for some examples.
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Perl error: nested qualifiers #4

Closed davebalmer closed 13 years ago

davebalmer commented 13 years ago


  1. jodoc ~/Projects/jo
  2. Kaboom! :)

    Nested quantifiers in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/{(\W+)(Quick Start|joExpando|joControl|joGroup|PhoneGap|joHTML|Observer Pattern|joInput|HTML Tags|joDivider|joPasswordInput|print $l;|Directory Map|while ($file =~ m!/* <-- HERE (?:.|[\r\n])_? /!g) {|joSubject|joStack|joEvent|@sorted = sort @ARGV;|joDataSource|joDoc|joContainer|joFocus|joButton|joLabel|}|joMenu|joCard|$l = $&;|joList|joChain|joGesture|joTitle|Function|LawnChair|joYield|Class Patterns|$l =~ s/(_\/|\/**)//g;|joSound|HTMLElement|0???b????`??/cf9b?|?NYY????h????? %ΈOٜ|License|joCache|joCaption|Philosophy|joClipboard|joFooter|joLog|joScroller|CSS Skinning|joTabBar|joView|$(??SM?U=?uN?)HpyU)???H??9;?3W?/ at ./jodoc line 91.

Ran latest jodoc against the jo source tree and it borked (after taking a while, which is weird). I've been looking at it, but maybe the late hour is making the cause elude me.

davebalmer commented 13 years ago

Ok, pre-formatted blocks in githib comments are wonky.

davebalmer commented 13 years ago

Figured this out: we're not filtering for supported file types, so we were pulling in .png and other interesting things. Fixed in latest.