davebraze / FDBeye

R tools for eyetracker workflows.
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README additions #14

Closed davebraze closed 8 years ago

davebraze commented 8 years ago

_gazetools_: Functions for processing and classifying eye gaze data (into blinks, fixations, etc.). Centered on SMI trackers, but includes some generally useful stuff. Available on github https://github.com/RyanHope/gazetools.

_VWPre_: Provides functions for preparing visual world eye-tracking data for statistical analysis and plotting in R. Designed for handling data from SRR Eyelink trackers using Sample Reports created in SRR Data Viewer. Available on CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/VWPre/index.html, and also github ???.

_pdata_: Purports to "Process data analysis and visualization for large scale educational assessments" but also includes some tools for visualization of gaze data. See heatmapanalysis() and scanpathPlot(). Available on github at https://github.com/garyfeng/pdata.

davebraze commented 8 years ago
