davecamp / Render2Texture

A render to texture solution for the BlitzMax language
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Strange effect #3

Closed luk22 closed 6 years ago

luk22 commented 6 years ago

Hello, at first thank you very very much for this extension which gives so much new possibilities for 2d lighting generation.

Here is what I did:

  1. Created RenderImage and with it:

    • Set ClsColor 0,0,0
    • Cls
    • SetBlend ALPHABLEND
    • DrawImage containing blurred alphablended black square
  2. I drew that rendered image to screen filled with non-black color. If I'm getting it properly I should get just black rectangle because black blended on black is black. But I get this: test

It looks like the red "ring" is transparent. Why?

Another question: How can I Cls RenderImage with ARGB 0,0,0,0 ?

luk22 commented 6 years ago

This is source:


Import "Render2Texture\renderimage.bmx"

Global gc:TGraphics = Graphics(1280, 720, 0, 60, GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER)

Local rt:TRenderImage = CreateRenderImage(gc, 640, 360)

Global imgFow:TImage = LoadImage("black_square.png")

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

    ' render into the texture
    SetAlpha 1
    SetClsColor(0, 0, 0)
    DrawImage(imgFow, 400, 200)

    SetAlpha 1
    SetAlpha 1
    DrawImage(rt, 0, 0)

    Flip 1
luk22 commented 6 years ago

On OpenGL I have the same results so maybe this is how Alphablending equation works? Also I'm still loosing RederImage after Alt+Tab on DX9. On OpenGL all is fine.

davecamp commented 6 years ago

You should be able to Cls a renderimage in the normal way that you would Cls the backbuffer. Could you provide a link with the image that you use here? It is more than likely the alpha blend mode causing the effect but I'd prefer to confirm it.

For Dx9 are you also using the modified d3d9graphics.bmx file in the dxgraphics module folder? You'll need to build the module for it to take effect.

luk22 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I used modified d3d9graphics.bmx and rebuild dxgraphics module.

After running app: before

After Alt+TAB: after

Here is black_square.png black_square

I've just tested that loosing texture issue do not affect full-screen mode (what for me is fully satisfying)

About CLS: when you using Cls, alpha is always 255. I need 0-alpha clearing for TRenderImage

davecamp commented 6 years ago

Hiya, I believe I've fixed the alt-tab issue and committed an update if you would like to try it.

I'm not exactly 100% sure what results you're expecting with respect to the alpha issue. When you are rendering to your render target you would draw everything as you normally expect with various alphas etc. When rendering the render target to the back buffer you would render it as a solid image with no alpha applied to 'blit' the rendered image to the back buffer - in which case this would work :-

' render into the texture
SetAlpha 1
SetClsColor(0, 0, 0)
DrawImage(imgFow, 400, 200)

DrawImage(rt, 0, 0)

Flip 1`

But like I say I'm not 100% sure on the effect that you're looking to achieve so there could still be an error somewhere.

EDITED for clarity

luk22 commented 6 years ago

Hello I tested and It works! Thanks again :) About initial alphablneding effect everything seems to be OK. I checked DirectX blending equations and it is just how it works: when you alphablend transparent image onto solid image, result will be slightly transparent.

davecamp commented 6 years ago

Thank you for finding the bug! I'm glad the alpha is working as expected too.

GWRon commented 6 years ago

To avoid such misconceptions I use "software rendering" for custom blend modes (multiply, add, difference, ...).

I also assumed that drawing a semitransparent image onto a solid one should add, not multiply alpha values. For me it is as if you have two layers of foil you paint on. Then you lay over two foils and check the resulting colors.

davecamp commented 6 years ago

For alpha blending I believe you do add. Blending seems to get complicated quickly when done on the gpu as you can also have a source and destination blend factor that is multiplied by the source and destination before them adding to get your result.

luk22 commented 6 years ago

BTW. Do you know any 2d shaders module or script for Bmx Vanilla? I need 2d-water effect.

davecamp commented 6 years ago

Most of the ones Ive seen are gl only. I was toying with the idea of doing a shader module that will use the same syntax for all of the Max 2D graphics drivers but havent got around to it just yet.

luk22 commented 6 years ago

I you would be eventually intersted in making some shaders code for me (paid job) drop me your email at luke@cogwheelsoftware.com

luk22 commented 6 years ago

Also I have one more question about Render2Textres: are there any limitations or cons if I use TRenderImage instead of normal TImage for all images in my game? Will it be slower or more VRAM consumig? Will it have some side effects?

davecamp commented 6 years ago

Providing that the system works as expected I doubt you will see any side effects, or any memory requirement differences. Most of code is about telling the gpu that a texture can be used for rendering to. I wouldn't be surprised if that information is just a bunch of flag bits in the gpu driver related code somewhere.

GWRon commented 6 years ago

Generic Shaders (OGL, DX) would be something cool - and a nice addition to the now already "generic" R2T-feature... ok, except for SDL/BMX-NG (would be nice to have it there too - talking about RasPI and the likes). Once it truly "works" on the (NG-)supported platforms I would more than just be willed to use it - as it allows for "standard" animations (like easing-in scales of a whole widget-set - like "Ingame menus" or inventories). Also R2T allows for easier "alpha"-effects (draw everything on a texture and set alpha ... this does not work with drawing a background with that alpha and afterwards the foreground with that alpha - it is an absolutely different effect).

But even yet it is absolutely cool to have it kind of unified (compared to the independend solutions for DX and OGL). It is one of the features I would like to see in the official module list for BlitzMax - so similar to brl.mod and pub.mod entries

luk22 commented 6 years ago

GWRon: you know any DX-dedicated shaders for Blitzmax?

GWRon commented 6 years ago

I am linux user...and for now I only needed a shader once (and failed). Needed a water shader for a top down view...

So I have no shaders....but have a look at NG as it uses simple shaders to display stuff

luk22 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'm observing NG but at the moment my game is total mess when run on NG :)

davecamp commented 6 years ago

Which version of Dx are you targetting?

luk22 commented 6 years ago

DX 9.0c

GWRon commented 6 years ago

On my windows10-machine with Intel IGP I get "opaque" render2texture-images. So a transparent image (a newly created one) is black plus the opaque pixels drawn by the textures/images/draw-command.

Using OGL the images are transparent as intented.

Same happens when running the app via "wine" on my nvidia-gpu-based-linux. So It has to do something with the implementation (the code here ;-))

GWRon commented 6 years ago

Ok... found the culprit for the black images: I had an "cls()" in - and on OGL it kept the images "transparent" while on DX it turned them "black". Assumed I had to "clean" it similar to a freshly created image via CreateImage()(might contain pixel garbage until you did a LockImage(...).ClearPixels(0).